James Hake Agrees With Neo-Nazi Fugitive That ‘Forced Integration’ Is Wrong

Neo-Nazi dirtbag Robert “Azzmador” Ray may be on the run from law enforcement, but that hasn’t stopped him from recording the occasional podcast or calling into far-right online talk shows. During the Nov. 16, 2021 episode of The Hake Report, Ray expressed support for segregation and called the integration of neighborhoods a form of “genocide” against white people.

Continue reading “James Hake Agrees With Neo-Nazi Fugitive That ‘Forced Integration’ Is Wrong”

Robert Ray, Who Once Boasted That He ‘Gassed Half A Dozen’ Jews, Is Now A Fugitive

Since last year numerous white supremacists have been arrested, charged, and sentenced for their violent conduct at last year’s “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, VA. Continue reading “Robert Ray, Who Once Boasted That He ‘Gassed Half A Dozen’ Jews, Is Now A Fugitive”

Meet The Stormer: Here Are The People Who Keep The World’s Most Popular White Power Website Afloat


Continue reading “Meet The Stormer: Here Are The People Who Keep The World’s Most Popular White Power Website Afloat”

Robert ‘Azzmador’ Ray Delivers A Violent, Anti-Semitic Post-Charlottesville Speech On Andrew Anglin’s Behalf

In August, white supremacist leaders from across the country were slated to give speeches at the massive “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville. Continue reading “Robert ‘Azzmador’ Ray Delivers A Violent, Anti-Semitic Post-Charlottesville Speech On Andrew Anglin’s Behalf”

White Supremacists Try To Start A Harassment Campaign Against The SPLC In Their Lamest Troll Storm Yet

Recently The Daily Stormer, once the Internet’s foremost hate site, moved to a Filipino domain after being booted from a Catalonian one. Continue reading “White Supremacists Try To Start A Harassment Campaign Against The SPLC In Their Lamest Troll Storm Yet”

Is This The End Of Rebel Media?

Last weekend Rebel Media reporter Faith Goldy attended the white power “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Goldy, presumably working on a story for the Canadian alt-lite news outlet, witnessed several of the skirmishes which took place that day, as well as the moment when Vanguard America supporter James Fields Jr. plowed his car into a crowd of anti-racist protesters, killing one and injuring over a dozen others.

Continue reading “Is This The End Of Rebel Media?”

Goy Orbison is Sad That Christians No Longer Blame the Jews for the Death of Christ


On the 16th episode of the Krypto Report, Daily Stormer contributors Goy Orbison and Azzmador waxed nostalgic about the days when mainstream Christians accused the Jews of murdering Jesus Christ. Continue reading “Goy Orbison is Sad That Christians No Longer Blame the Jews for the Death of Christ”