Marine Le Pen’s Loss is Making the Alt-Right Cry

Marine Le Pen Loss
Au revoir, Felicia.

Round two of the 2017 French presidential election concluded today, and the results are in: centrist candidate Emmanuel Macron trounced far-right National Front politician Marine Le Pen. Continue reading “Marine Le Pen’s Loss is Making the Alt-Right Cry”

Shock Jock Anthony Cumia Cheers on Nazis; Mocks Women and the Disabled on Twitter

TFW your girlfriend has you arrested for domestic abuse.

After an extended absence I’m finally back. While I was away there were horrifying terror attacks in Europe, Donald Trump chose Mike Pence as his running mate and became the GOP nominees, and Milo Yiannopoulos was perma-banned from Twitter. Good riddance on the latter. Continue reading “Shock Jock Anthony Cumia Cheers on Nazis; Mocks Women and the Disabled on Twitter”