The Alt-Right Is Furious After YouTube, Facebook, And Spotify Ditch Alex Jones

Earlier this week unhinged conspiracy theorist Alex Jones was finally booted from websites like Spotify, Apple iTunes, Facebook, and — most notably — YouTube, where Jones had amassed over 2 million subscribers. It seems that for Jones, who habitually skirted these websites’ terms of service, his history of bigotry and his harassment of the grieving parents of murdered children finally caught up with him.

Jones and his acolytes were quick to cry “censorship” over the bans, but in reality he had ample opportunity to tone down his rhetoric. Instead he engaged in behavior that would’ve gotten him banned under his own website’s rules, including baselessly accusing Robert Mueller of rape and pantomiming the act of shooting him. But that didn’t stop the relentless whining about Big Brother persecuting a poor old alternative media figure.

Millie Weaver, a factually-challenged InfoWars reporter (as if there’s any other kind), botched an argument about whether platforms like Facebook must host Jones’ content. As anyone with even a basic understanding of the First Amendment knows, Facebook, as a private company, can ban whomever it pleases. Weaver, seemed to misunderstand that “private,” in this context, simply means not owned and operated by the government:

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Being publicly traded has nothing to do with it. It’s not how this works. It’s not how any of this works. But after over 1,000 snarky comments under the original tweet, Weaver responded. And hilariously doubled down:

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Stupid and embarrassing, yes. But nothing compared to the unhinged responses by white nationalists who, deep down, know they’re next on the social media chopping block. Take Nick Fuentes, for example, who compared the ban to Kristallnacht and a “White Holocaust” right out of the gate:

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Fuentes also doubled down, tweeting that, “If you don’t believe me just look at the open and explicit anti-white hatred that is allowed by this and every other platform that Alex Jones is barred from.”

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Later he ludicrously called “Nazi” the “modern day n-word for white people.” Which is why he wrote “Nazi” but censored the N-word in his tweet:

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Lauren Southern warned that InfoWars is “just the first in a long line of companies and personalities who will be wiped off social media.”

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Jazzhands McFeels of the Fash the Nation podcast lashed out at “vile rootless cosmopolitans motivated by white hatred.”

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Neo-Völkisch white nationalist Carolyn Emerick also weighed in, tweeting, “#WhiteGenocide is real and if you speak up on it or provide free speech for others to, the enemy will strike you down.”

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David Duke implied that YouTube is run by Jews by using The Right Stuff’s triple parentheses meme:

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Lana Lokteff of Red Ice TV said, “Funny how lefties cry about National Socialist Germany burning leftist books while they ban, censor & discriminate.”

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Speaking of Red Ice TV, Lana’s husband and co-host Henrik Palmgren addressed Jones’ ban in a video titled “Alex Jones’ InfoWars Sent To The Digital Gulag.” In a 20 minute rant, Palmgren breathlessly told his audience that “Free speech is officially dead in America,” and that this was “truly an unprecedented move, in an Orwellian — which isn’t enough of a strong word, this is beyond that — in a sickening, Big Brother authoritarian move, they have launched a coordinated attack on one of the biggest alternative media voices out there.”

It’s understandable why Palmgren is so upset. After all, both Red Ice and his wife’s personal PayPal accounts were taken down for violating terms of service — effectively cutting off their last viable payment processor. And Red Ice really began as a low-rent InfoWars. It’s early guests were cranks like Ian R. Crane, David Icke, Michael Tsarion, Tim Ball, and Nigel Kerner. And that was before Red Ice began exploring subjects like Holocaust denial, and transitioned to an explicitly white nationalist platform.

Henrik Palmgren Infowars

So it’s no surprise that Palmgren sounded so concerned:

This is the fight that you’ll be joining in on, and for real begin the push-back against the hatred by the Leftists and those who are gloating and wallowing in this move, and the open discrimination of those who truly think differently against those who want to see a different world than the one that the liberal world order is building on the ruins of our nations and the ashes of Western civilization. And it’s not a beautiful phoenix that’s rising here, it’s a deformed, genetic misfit. A creature. An evil monster that’s plaguing everyone that it decides to torment and target. The dragon simply needs to be slain. This is not some Hollywood twisted plot twist where the weirdo outsider actually turns out to be the good guy in the end. This is as simple as it gets. This is Beowulf style. The hero needs to save his people and slay the dragon.

Try making sense out of that mess. And if Hollywood movies and evil monsters aren’t good enough for you, Palmgren also raises the specter of Soviet-style Communism to frighten viewers into action:

Sure, in the wake of this the Left will end up dominating for some time. But they always turn on themselves. Eventually everyone is sent to the gulags and heads of the revolutionary guard that made all of this possible, their heads will roll. Just like it did during the French Revolution, and in the Soviet Union. These people, you have to understand, mad. They are insane. … They effectively dehumanize us, which of course is what they claim that “the Nazis” did. Which they always call you to defame you and to tarnish your reputation so that no one will listen to you and your ideas, but this doesn’t make them Nazis though. Don’t make this mistake. They are of the same old, genocidal flavor that the Communists were made out of. They are like the Bolsheviks. And they are on the rise again in the form of Democratic Socialism in America.

While Palmgren’s rhetoric is absolutely ridiculous and over-the-top, it is likely that the banning of Alex Jones is only the beginning. Other more hateful fringe media figures will probably get the boot as well.