4chan Trolls Once Again Fail to Trick Feminists with #NoEqualityNoShower

Hugh Man
Hugh Man, reporting for duty!

After several unsuccessful attempts to goad Twitter feminists into embracing ridiculous hashtags like #FreeBleeding, #EndFathersDay, #PissForEquality, and #HillaryKillsPOC, the trolls at 4chan — the Internet’s septic tank — tried again with two new hashtag campaigns. Continue reading “4chan Trolls Once Again Fail to Trick Feminists with #NoEqualityNoShower”

Jared Taylor Imagines A White Nationalist Trump Administration

On the May 16, 2016 episode of This Alt-Right Life, Matt Forney interviewed longtime white nationalist leader and American Renaissance founder Jared Taylor, who expressed his optimism in a prospective Trump presidency. Continue reading “Jared Taylor Imagines A White Nationalist Trump Administration”

Milo Yiannopoulos ‘Isn’t One Of Us’ Proclaims ‘Right Stuff’ Writer

Not too long ago, Breitbart writer Milo Yiannopoulos penned a lengthy essay about the alt-right, and in so doing managed to whitewash the movement’s racism. The reaction to Milo’s essay among the alt-right itself has been mixed.

Continue reading “Milo Yiannopoulos ‘Isn’t One Of Us’ Proclaims ‘Right Stuff’ Writer”

Kevin MacDonald Claims That Violence Will be Used to Stop Trump

Recently, as part of its tenth anniversary special, Red Ice Radio — a far-right, independent media outlet — had Kevin MacDonald as a guest. MacDonald, a retired professor and author of the anti-Semitic book The Culture of Critique, spoke with Red Ice host Henrik Palmgren about Donald Trump and his inevitable nomination by the Republican Party.

MacDonald, for his part, revealed why so many on the alt-right support the billionaire. The anti-Semitic former academic pointed out that never before in his lifetime has the far-right truly had a candidate running for president who actually stood a chance.

Usually, with nominees such as John McCain or Mitt Romney, white nationalists “sit it out and ask questions like, ‘Should we back the person who’s least bad? Or should we just give up completely and not vote?'” With the rise of Trumpism on the national stage, things have changed drastically, however.

“Well I think that what got him [Trump] on our radar were his comments on immigration — on Mexican immigration, Mexican criminality, talking about banning Muslims, talking about a nationalist trade policy,” MacDonald said. This is why Trump “got so much discussion in the alt-right,” and why he’s managed to keep them “interested” and “hopeful” about his candidacy.

“I don’t know if you saw some of the reactions in, I guess your old home state, California in terms of the latest one of the rallies that he held there and some of the reactions to it. Did you get a chance to see some of the footage?” Palmgren asked.

“Well yeah, I’ve seen a lot of it,” MacDonald replied, and what you notice are the Mexican flags, and hostility, and the violence, and, you know, that’s the thing that a lot of people, even the people on the left, are very concerned that this is gonna turn the election for Trump.” Naturally there is no mention of the widespread violence caused by Trump’s supporters.

Palmgren chalked up this violence to the idea that as soon as whites (or European-Americans) are drawn to a candidate who represents their interests (for example, not being “displaced” by immigrants), it naturally sparks “hostile backlashes.” MacDonald agreed, referring to it as an “anti-white revolution” that is motivated by “hostility” and “hatred.”

MacDonald then predicted that things would only get worse from here, with “wall to wall media hostility” and “violence in the streets,” all in an effort by the left to stop Trump.