Trump Supporter Janet Bloomfield Dons Blackface; Continues Her Twitter Tantrum

Just kidding. Her cartoonish meltdown is far from over.

Trump-obsessed FemRA Janet Bloomfield, when last we saw her, was in the midst of a racist Twitter meltdown prompted by the release of Beyoncé’s Lemonade. Continue reading “Trump Supporter Janet Bloomfield Dons Blackface; Continues Her Twitter Tantrum”

Alt-Right Columnist Says Electing Donald Trump Could Be ‘The Greatest Coup In Zionism’s History’

Der Furher? Probably not.

It has been well established that many white nationalists have fallen in love with big-mouthed GOP front-runner Donald Trump. Continue reading “Alt-Right Columnist Says Electing Donald Trump Could Be ‘The Greatest Coup In Zionism’s History’”

Janet Bloomfield Has Racist Twitter Meltdown; Says She Wants to Tweet a Photo of Herself in Blackface


On April 23, 2016, Beyoncé released her latest album, Lemonade. The album has already received praise from the likes of A.V. Club and Rolling Stone. Continue reading “Janet Bloomfield Has Racist Twitter Meltdown; Says She Wants to Tweet a Photo of Herself in Blackface”

Andrew ‘weev’ Auernheimer Shares His Plan to Convert Liberals Into ‘Racial Warriors’

Weev Swastika

Andrew Auernheimer, the white nationalist hacker better known as “weev,” recently sat down for an interview with Greg Johnson on Counter-Currents Radio. Continue reading “Andrew ‘weev’ Auernheimer Shares His Plan to Convert Liberals Into ‘Racial Warriors’”

Harriet Tubman Will be Placed on the $20 Bill, and Alt-Righters are Horrified

Sad Pepe

Today the news broke that abolitionist Harriet Tubman will officially replace President Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill — an entirely symbolic victory for people outraged by, say, chattel slavery and the wholesale slaughter of Native Americans, but a victory nonetheless I suppose.

One would think the choice to be entirely uncontroversial, as Harriet Tubman was someone that both conservatives and liberals should, theoretically, be able to rally behind. After all, she was a heroic, gun-toting, Republican woman of color who rescued some seventy people from the grim specter of slavery. Who could object to her? Well, if you guessed the people who don “Make America Great Again” hats while railing against Jews and “cuckservatives,” you’d be correct. Continue reading “Harriet Tubman Will be Placed on the $20 Bill, and Alt-Righters are Horrified”