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Disney is misandrificationizing Star Wars, Men’s Rights Redditor warns

Spaceballs: Far more masculine than Star Wars, anyway

Apparently if a movie series has female protagonists some of the time, it’s an outright cultural assault on men. At least that’s what one Men’s Rights Redditor is arguing. About Star Wars. Take it away, Vinniikii:

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“Rape is immensely less traumatizing than inceldom,” incel argues, demonstrating why he’s an incel

Let’s take another brief excursion to the forums, where one prolific poster is setting forth a slightly new version of an old incel folk belief — namely, that being raped is really much less traumatic than being an incel.

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Is Coach Red Pill dead? A dating-coach-turned-Russian-propagandist disappears in Ukraine

It sounds a bit like one of those espionage novels he used to write: A former pickup guru known as Coach Red Pill, who had recently reinvented himself as a Ukraine war “reporter,” has apparently gone missing — and has either been arrested as a pro-Russian propagandist or just straight up executed, at least according to various rumors swirling on social media.

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If she can pick up pencils with her hoo-hah, she’s probably not a virgin, and other vaginal insights from dudes who don’t have one

Note: If your vulva looks like this, see a doctor immediately

Today, some vaginal wisdom from dudes who do not have vaginas of their own, which might have helped with the fact-checking.

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How to protect yourself from witches, sorry, I meant feminists, at work

Typical feminist on her way to work

Over on the Antifeminists subreddit. one of the brethren asks his subreddit-mates for their best advice on how to deal with feminists at work.

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The Men’s Rights subreddit declares war on topless women, if it can find any

First with the toplessness, then with the pinching

Men’s Rights activists have to stretch a bit to find new things to get mad about. Right now Men’s Rights Redditors are working themselves into a tizzy because a city in Colorado made it legal for women and girls to go topless.

In 2019.

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Feminism is a sexual orientation, explains wannabe Men’s Rights philosopher with his head up his ass

Be careful, men — because feminists want your banana

A couple of weeks back, I wrote about Men’s Rights Inactivism — the almost complete inability of so many so-called Men’s Rights activists to actually do anything like real activism in the real world. I was inspired by a discussion on the Men’s RIghts subreddit in which numerous MRAs reacted with defensive anger after another MRA called them out on this notable failure.

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30-year-old incels suffering from arrested development should be allowed to have sex with 14-year-olds because “mentally we’re still teenagers,” incel insists

Well here’s a terrible post for you all from an incel who thinks he’s come up with the ultimate excuse for pedophilia, oh sorry hebephilia — you know, the one in which they want to fuck girls 14 or younger.

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Red Piller: Forget sexually exploiting Ukrainian refugees. Wait until pure Russian peasant girls come on the market

Not actually what Russian girls look like today

The other day we looked at a popular post on the Red Pill subreddit suggesting that men in search of sexy, subservient women turn their attention to Ukrainian refugees in desperate need of food and housing.


Soft-handed Jordan Peterson waxes rhapsodic about construction workers and it’s really kind of cringe

Some people like to pretend that they’re big burly blue-collar workers

Yesterday on Twitter, Jordan Peterson had something of a “we hunted the mammoth to feed you” moment, demanding a little “gratitude” on behalf of the men who do the hard and sometimes dangerous construction jobs that we effete Twitter-readers allegedly refuse to do.

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