

/r/CryptoCurrency Policies


AMAs on r/CryptoCurrency are managed by a workgroup of moderators in r/CryptoCurrencyEvents. Including AMAs, they manage all events on r/CryptoCurrency and other affiliated communities. They are open to exploring official AMA opportunities with established reputable companies and thought leaders in the cryptocurrency space.

As of now, official AMA opportunities are typically not available to specific coins, since they are afforded fair exposure both on this r/CC and their coin specific subs. However, all persons or projects are generally welcome to post their own AMA without prior approval, though we will not announce or pin it for everyone to see. We do not accept payment to promote AMAs or any project.

If you would like to discuss your project with the r/CryptoCurrencyEvents team, please first submit a formal application. All applications need to provide proof. The project should go through our User Verification process and specify flair for all participating accounts. Selectees may be required to publicize their info on their website and/or social media networks.

Bot Approval

This sub runs its own bots for detecting vote manipulation/brigading, sockpuppet accounts, and automatically banning users violating sub rules. Third-party bots must be preapproved by the mod team before being deployed here. Any bot not approved will be summarily banned. Message the modmail with your bot's profile/usage guidelines, and the mod team will discuss it internally before deciding to issue approval.

Approved Bots:

  • u/CryptoMods - Shared mod account and custom moderation bot. The bot was originally built by u/ClearlyCoder but is now maintained by u/jwinterm.

  • u/ccModBot - Custom Moderation Bot. Detects and sends warning to users breaking spam rules. Removes posts/comments from users who do not meet age/karma standards. Built and maintained by u/Mcgillby

  • u/InstaMod - Assigns detailed user flairs which summarize profile history in a way which is relevant to r/CryptoCurrency.


The Cointest section became too large for the r/CC Policies page so it was moved to its very own wiki page in r/CointestOfficial. You can find it by clicking here.


Automatic User Flairs

The sub has two flair systems which are both enforced by their own bot, u/AutoModerator and u/InstaMod. The InstaMod will override the AutoMod in assigning flairs but will run slower since it operates by a certain cycle whereas the AutoMod doesn't wait.

AutoModerator Flairs

NOTE: AutoModerator flairs are disabled and are no longer being assigned. However, if the InstaMod bot goes offline, the AutoModerator flairs might be enabled again.

All users with less than 1-year account age or 1000 comment karma will automatically be assigned flair detailing what age and karma range they fall into. Given the degree of fraud and the aggressive shilling in this industry, the objective is to give our readers a tool to assess the legitimacy of other redditors. These rules are not explicitly targeting any single person or group other than users who fall within the age & karma thresholds mentioned above. All redditors participating on r/CC and possibly other networked subreddits will be held to the same automated standards to protect the community at large. Here is an example of what an AutoModerator flair would look like: 9 - 10 years account age. 63 - 125 comment karma.

There will be exemption thresholds by year age where if a user has enough comment karma, no flair will be automatically assigned. These thresholds can be determined per user by taking the first digit of the comment karma and checking if it matches the year age. If both values match or if the comment karma is more, than the user is either at the threshold or has passed it. For example, if you have 3 years account age and 299 comment karma, the user is below the exemption threshold. If the user has 3 years account age and 301 comment karma, the user is exempt.

Users who cross these custom thresholds and are still under 1000 comment karma can not assign themselves they're own custom flair. Users who assign themselves custom flair will have it overwritten by the AutoModerator and receive a user flair message again after making two actions. This can be two comments, two submissions, or one of both. To be entirely exempt from this limitation, users must earn over 1000 comment karma.

If you are wondering exactly how the AutoModerator assigns these flairs, you can review the code here.

InstaMod Flairs

InstaMod is a bot which assigns flairs for displaying a summary of a user’s past activity. It only takes activity into account which is deemed relevant to r/CryptoCurrency. Similar to the AutoMod user flairs, the end goal of the InstaMod flairs is to give readers a tool to assess the legitimacy of other users and determine what their bias/s may be. You can think of them as being akin to the wearing name tags at conferences.

Progression Tiers

Progression tiers are based on the user's QC score. QC stands Quality Comments and is the number of positive comments minus the number of negative comments a user has in select crypto subreddits. The upvote/downvote thresholds for determining what comments are counted is kept secret for now to prevent exploitation. QC points are also displayed in user flair text.

Users are placed into tiers based on the highest percentile they qualify for rather than the total QC points they have. Here are the distribution percentiles for the tiers:

Tier Distribution
Tin 100% - 90%
Bronze 90% - 50%
Silver 50% - 25%
Gold 25% - 10%
Platinum 10% - 1%

Users placed into the Platinum tier will be granted the ability to assign themselves custom flair. If you are placed into the Platinum tier, you will receive a PM from u/InstaMod informing you of your new permissions and how to use them. This will be covered in the PM Commands section. Everyone's flair is updated weekly in rolling intervals.

Groups and Activity Tags

In addition to the tier level, user flairs will contain information about the profile activity in subreddits related or unrelated(but relevant) to cryptocurrency, if certain criteria is met. Here are the current tag categories:

  • Display the user's top 3 crypto subreddits based on QC points. Example: "Silver | QC: VTC 20, BTC 30, CC 55 | r/SSB 65 | Unpop.Opin. 14"

  • Display {coin ticker} critic if the user has less than -10 QC points in a subreddit. Example: "Bronze | QC: CC 19, GPUmining 10, CRO critic | Buttcoin 10 | MinerSubs 20"

  • Display the user's most used subreddit not related to cryptocurrency. Example: "Platinum | QC: DOGE 130, CC 144, BTC 43 | Science 57"

Some tags are abbreviations for subreddits with along names such as r/SSB for r/SatoshStreetBets. The r/ is meant to denote the tag is for a certain subreddit and not a coin like the BTC tag. Other tags use periods like . to denote the tag has been shortened such as Unpop.Opin. for *UnpopularOpinion. These two methods are meant to save on limited space in user text flairs while making the tags intuitive at the same time.

As you can see from the flair examples above, they are organized into three different groups using the | symbol. In the InstaMod config, they are labeled as group 1, group 2, and group 3.

  • Group 1 activity tags are the only ones counted towards QC points. This group will have space reserved for three different tags.

  • Group 2 activity tags are for subreddits deemed unsuitable for being counted towards QC points. This group will have space for one tag.

  • Group 3 activity tags are cover subs unrelated to crypto or summarize activity already counted in group 1, such as TraderSubs, ExchSubs, or MinerSubs. To better understand what a summary tag does, one like the TraderSubs tag can include activity from subs like r/CryptoMarkets, r/EthTrader, and r/BitcoinMarkets. ExchSubs and MinerSubs do the same for exchange subs and mining subs. This group will have space for one tag.

If a user flair only shows one or two groups instead of three, this means a group/s didn't have enough activity for registering a tag with InstaMod.

Account Age

Accounts less than 6 months old will have their account age displayed first.

PM Commands

You have the ability to interact with u/InstaMod by sending commands over PM (not chat). Here is a list of the commands currently available to users and a pre-formatted link for those commands.

Note: The pre-formatted links will not work on mobile.

  • !updateme

    Description: Update the senders automatic flair instantly. This cannot be used to assign custom flair.

    Message syntax:

    Subject: !CryptoCurrency !updateme Body:


  • !flair

    Description: Allow Platinum users to assign themselves custom flair

    Message syntax:

    Subject: !CryptoCurrency !flair Body: Flair Text: text goes here Flair CSS: css goes here


If you have any questions, search for your answer in r/CryptoCurrencyMeta. If you can’t find an answer, submit your own post.


Here is a link to the GitHub repository for InstaMod.


Q: Can't change my flair anymore! How do I use this feature again?

A: The bot could be down. You can submit a post in r/CryptoCurrencyMeta to inform the mods if you like.

Q: My stats do not appear to be accurate.

A: Due to limitations on Reddit's API, the bot can only fetch the last 1,000 comments and 1,000 posts from a user’s history. This means a user with over 1,000 posts or comments may see some inaccuracies in their karma breakdown.


Projects are welcome to do giveaways on r/CryptoCurrency based on their reputation and the following criteria:

  1. Giveaways must be approved by request through the modmail.
  2. The giveaway must be hosted on r/CryptoCurrency, not any external subreddit or website.
  3. Giveaway prize has to be at least $500.
  4. The giveaway should not require users to do anything else except make a top-level comment on a thread, i.e. no retweet, no follow, no join Telegram group, no email registration etc. If a user wins a prize, the user should be contacted through Reddit and not by any other means which would unnecessarily compromise privacy. The giveaway must be provably fair, i.e. entities not just giving back to themselves.
  5. Each entity/project can do only one giveaway every 4 months, and a maximum number of two giveaways in one year.
  6. Giveaway participants will be restricted to those who have history in the sub, i.e. users must have their Reddit Vault opened.

Rules #2 and #4 are not strict, and can be waived based on project reputation and at moderator's discretion.


Our policy for moons can be found on its own wiki page here.

Quality Discussion

To balance discussion in manipulated comment sections and improve content quality, the mod team will be exercising the following strategies:

Comment Sorting

If a promotional post has more than 50 comments, the mods will resort the comment section using one of the following methods:

  • If well reasoned, informative, and/or respectful comments conveying critical ideas are downvoted to obscurity, the suggested sort will be set to controversial.

  • If controversial sorting doesn't work, the mods will copy select comments with mature critical views, if they exist, and insert them into a new stickied comment.

  • If no suitable critical comments can be found, the suggested sort will be set to new.



Click here for the Partnership Guide wiki page.

Sidebar & Directory Listings

(This section is deprecated)

This section lists the requirements a subreddit or website must satisfy to be listed in the r/CryptoCurrency or r/CryptoMarkets sidebars. For research purposes, we suggest using the traffic stats page for subreddits and Alexa.com or SimilarWeb.com for websites.

Mandatory requirements:

  1. Must be about a specific cryptocurrency or subject related to cryptocurrency.
  2. Subreddits must have at least 10,000 subscribers and 6000 uniques per month. Websites must have at least 60,000 pageviews.
  3. Subreddits must have a minimum of 14 posts per week.
  4. Subreddits and websites must be in existence for at least 6 months.
  5. Subreddits must display an inbound sidebar link to /r/CryptoCurrency.
  6. Subreddits must have open mod logs. See r/publicmodlogs. Subs already listed in the sidebar before January 22, 2018 will be grandfathered in for now.


  1. Generic crypto subs not tied to any specific coin will be granted more flexibility with the subscriber, activity, and age requirements. However, these subs will be required to prove their unique value to readers. Also, generic subs not meeting the standard requirements will be listed in the directory instead of the sidebar.

Contingent upon the public standing of the subreddit or other circumstances:

  1. Must add /u/CryptoCurrencyMod to mod team.

User Verification

Click here for the User Verification wiki page.

revision by CryptoChief— view source