Aussie Nationalist Landmark Posts · Christianity and faith related issues

On doubt and indifference

To any position that exhibits a Christian nature, the typical current-day Westerner responds with doubt or indifference. These responses–unwitting, effortless, even natural–are the fruits from the liberal, post-Christian environment in which most are immersed. Despite their ubiquity, for the reasons which follow, these responses should be rejected for being ignorant and close-minded. The basis of… Continue reading On doubt and indifference

Christianity and faith related issues

Why I am a Catholic

Why I am a Catholic was written by Paul Van K. Thomson in 1959, a time at which the Catholic Church seriously challenged the liberal consensus. With the perspective of a former minister and convert from Anglicanism, Thomson outlines his case for Catholicism, relying on scriptural, historical, social, and subjective reasons in support. Intellectual impoverishment… Continue reading Why I am a Catholic

Christianity and faith related issues

Why can’t we see God?

Why can’t we see God? Though misrepresented by rationalists as an obstacle to reasonable supernatural belief, this question deserves a satisfactory reply. In response, there are various cogent reasons we cannot see God, some of which are outlined below. God is a spirit Everything that exists is either material or spiritual. A material thing is… Continue reading Why can’t we see God?

Aussie Nationalist Landmark Posts · Christianity and faith related issues · Coronavirus

My ideological journey

Since the creation of this site in October 2015, the content has changed: both in subject matter (and hopefully) in quality. Naturally, these exterior changes have reflected an interior ideological journey, summarised in the following viewpoints held across four distinct periods: An anti-Islam stage. A patriotic, populist stage. A pro-white, identitarian stage. A paleoconservative and… Continue reading My ideological journey

Christianity and faith related issues · Coronavirus · Liberalism · Rationalism

The problem with rationalism

In large part, the definition of ‘rationalism’ varies from source to source. Though, the fairest definition can be drawn from Pope Leo XIII in his 1888 encyclical ‘On the Nature of True Liberty’, where he held rationalism to be belief in “the supremacy of human reason.” A close corollary of this view is that reality… Continue reading The problem with rationalism

Christianity and faith related issues · History · Jewish Influence · Russia

The Jewish Century

The Jewish Century by Yuri Slezkine treats of Jewish history, their meteoric rise to power during the Industrial Revolution, and the role of Jewishness in defining the 20th century–thus the book title. The book is striking, in that Slezkine–a renowned Jewish academic and winner of the National Jewish Book Award–discloses usually reserved truths about Jewish… Continue reading The Jewish Century

Christianity and faith related issues · Liberalism

Liberalism is dogmatic

Naturally, on the news of my conversion to Catholicism, there have been a variety of responses from family and friends. Out of these, the most interesting has been obstinate denial: a complete refusal to consider the points establishing the truth of God, Christianity, and Catholicism. Objections such as “religions are different and equal interpretations about… Continue reading Liberalism is dogmatic

'Nazis' · Christianity and faith related issues · Leftism · Nick Fuentes

What the left fears most

For some years now, I have been a big supporter of Nick Fuentes and his work. By way of background, Fuentes is an American commentator of political, cultural as well as social issues–from a nationalist and traditionalist perspective. Banned from Facebook, YouTube, Dlive, and a host of other social media platforms, Fuentes has nonetheless continued… Continue reading What the left fears most

'Optics' · Coronavirus · Nationalist/ Tribalist themes

Some thoughts on the Freedom rally

Returning to something more topical, Saturday I attended the Freedom rally in the Perth CBD. This was an anti-mandatory vaccination event, inclusive of more general agitation against the Health Dictatorship. The event consisted of a few brief speeches at the Supreme Court Gardens (featuring the well-known Augusto Zimmermann), a two kilometre march through various main… Continue reading Some thoughts on the Freedom rally

Aussie Nationalist Landmark Posts · Christianity and faith related issues · Conservatism · Identitarianism/ White Identity · Utopian Politics/ Progressivism

Why conservatives reject ideology

Russell Kirk, on page 474 of The Conservative Mind, defines conservatism as the “negation of ideology,” with there being “no simple set of formulas by which all the ills to which flesh is heir may be swept away.” To delineate this concept, it is prudent to clarify what the “negation of ideology” does not entail.… Continue reading Why conservatives reject ideology

Coronavirus · Democracy · Scott Morrison

False assurances and the mono-party state

In a post last year, I outlined why left-wing promises as to the scope of their revolutionary agenda cannot be trusted. False assurances Something similar to this can also be said of our civil authorities, in the creation and development of their Health Dictatorship–a term used last year by Tony Abbott as regarded Victorian action… Continue reading False assurances and the mono-party state

Christianity and faith related issues · Coronavirus · Jewish Influence · Utopian Politics/ Progressivism

Why I converted to Catholicism

Late last year I converted to Catholicism out of a firm belief in its truth. As such, I will below outline the logical basis for this conclusion. Introduction But first, a disclaimer: I only seriously began considering this field two years ago and have no particular expertise in Christian or Catholic apologetics. In evaluating the… Continue reading Why I converted to Catholicism

Economic issues · Gender Relations · Sex Differences

Why women work

As an overture, it is proper to define the specific type of working woman this post is directed towards. To be clear, it is not directed at married women who provide supplementary income further to their main domestic duties; nor towards those women whose children have entered adulthood and left home. It is also not… Continue reading Why women work

Culture War · Liberalism

The problems with legalism

We live in a country in which state and federal governments constantly pass new laws. At time of writing, the federal government has passed 24 Acts for the year, this being exclusive of amendments made to other Acts and legislative instruments. These laws are passed not only with frequency but copious detail. The Fair Work… Continue reading The problems with legalism