Gates of Vienna News Feed 4/16/2022

According to Lithuania’s defense minister, Russia already has nuclear weapons in the Baltic region. He says that the weapons were stationed in the Kaliningrad enclave before the current Ukraine crisis began.

In other news, four men were arrested in India for allegedly gang-raping a Bengal monitor lizard.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, DV, JW, Reader from Chicago, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Who Rules in Sweden?

The following video makes it clear that those who rule in Sweden are not the Swedes.

Since Rasmus Paludan went on his Koran-burning tour of Sweden (in which, as far as I know, he was able to burn only two Korans), Muslims have taken to the streets and pelted police with stones and bottles. They have burned police cars and even hijacked police vans and driven them around.

Police withdrew from the hail of stones and left the streets to the culture-enrichers. But in multiple interviews, police officers made it clear that they did not want to retreat. They wanted to hold the line and push back against the violent thugs who were trying to kill them. The order to stand down came from above — the authorities did not want a strong stance to be made against the urban mujahideen who were wreaking havoc in Linköping, Norrköping, Rinkeby, Örebro, Landskrona, and Malmö.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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“You’re Machiavellian, You’re Manipulative and You’re a Liar”

In the following video an irate French citizen gives his two centimes’ worth to President Emmanuel “Toy Boy” Macron in no uncertain terms. I’m amazed that an ordinary voter can get so close to the president — in this country nobody, and I mean NOBODY, gets that close to a president except in the context of a carefully scripted event in which all participants have been fully screened in advance. The only time an average Joe gets to see a president is when the latter waves to spectators from his armored vehicle while his motorcade takes him from the airfield to whatever fortified bunker he is domiciled in.

Vive la France!

Many thanks to MissPiggy for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Culture-Enriching Ructions Continue in Sweden

Rasmus Paludan has a rare gift for stirring up Muslim outrage.

The leader of the Danish anti-Islam party Stram Kurs is on a Koran-burning tour of Sweden during the Easter holiday. He has actually managed to burn a Koran on at least two occasions, but was thwarted several other times by pre-emptive rock-throwing riots. When protesters prevent a speech by stamping and shouting, it’s known as a “heckler’s veto”; in this case we might call it a “lapidator’s veto”.

The trouble began in Linköping on Thursday, where Mr. Paludan was unable to appear, and then spread to Norrköping, where he also did not appear. Yesterday he moved on to Rinkeby and Örebro, and today he was in Malmö. The culture-enriching violence has intensified on each successive occasion.

Below are three news reports on the situation in Sweden, translated by Gary Fouse.

First, from Samhällsnytt:

Paludan in Rinkeby — Man with knife arrested

April 15, 2022

On Good Friday, Rasmus Paludan held another Islam-critical public gathering in Sweden, this time in immigrant-dense Rinkeby. The demonstration was interrupted several times by rock-throwing, and police have arrested a man who was armed with a kitchen knife.

It was shortly after 11 o’clock in the morning when Stram Kurs Party leader Rasmus Paludan began his public gathering with both a speech and Koran-burning in Rinkeby.

Paludan told the spectators present that Islam is not compatible with Western society.

“Islam cannot be in harmony with a developed, democratic society. In all of world history, there has been no example of Islam being in harmony with a developed, democratic society, and it will never happen because it is impossible,” said Paludan.

Demonstration broken off

Police broke off the public gathering when there was still one hour of time remaining. In connection with the demonstration, both rocks and bottles were thrown at Paludan.

A policeman was injured and seven people were arrested on suspicion of, among other things, violent rioting. Police also arrested a man suspected of violation of the knife law after he carried a knife at the demonstration. This was reported by TV4 News.

The Stram Kurs live stream is below.

Paludan will hold another demonstration in Örebro’s problem area Vivalla at 5pm on Good Friday.

The second article includes two videos, the first with no narration. From Swedish state television:

Unrest before a demonstration in Örebro

It is messy right now in central Örebro leading into the Danish right-wing extremist Rasmus Paludan’s demonstration in the Svea Park — where rocks and fireworks have been thrown at police at the scene. Four police officers and a civilian have reportedly been injured during the evening’s unrest, according to police.

Even before the Danish politician arrived, unrest began at the scene. Tiles were thrown at police and fireworks were fired at the entrance to the park. People also tried to break through the barricades that were set up. Police are now working to try and turn back the counter-demonstrators.

Four police officers have been injured at the scene — one of them took a rock to the head; another three reportedly have light injuries. A civilian has also been hit in the head with a rock, the police press spokesperson Diana Qudhaib says.

At 6:30pm, it is really messy, according to SVT’s reporter at the scene — a picture shared by Örebro police.

“The situation is troubling right now. The general rally has not been able to start, since the situation is not calm enough for that,” says Diana Qudhaib.

The demonstration was supposed to be held at 5pm. According to police, there are an estimated 200 people at the scene just before 6pm — but exactly how many is hard to say.

Messy at earlier demonstration

Rasmus Paludan leads the Danish Stram Kurs party. He has made a name for himself by provoking, through the burning of Korans and showing images of the Prophet Muhammad. On Friday afternoon police announced that they had changed the location of the party’s demonstration, which instead is now being held in central Örebro.

Several demonstrations were planned in Sweden during the week. One of them was held in Stockholm Friday — which also became messy after a Koran was burned.

The party was also supposed to hold a demonstration in Linköping on Holy Thursday, but it didn’t happen. Instead, a violent riot broke out, and three police officers were taken to the hospital. Also in Norrköping, there was unrest though no demonstration was held because the police withdrew permission.

“Obviously, we’re in dialogue with other regions concerning earlier experiences. Our goal is that it be carried out in a safe manner, considering that there is a constitutionally-protected right to manifest their views,” said Christina Hallin, the police press officer in the Bergslagen region, earlier in the day.

The final article concerns Mr. Paludan’s Koran-burning in the southern Swedish region of Skåne. At the last minute the location of the event was moved in an effort to forestall additional mostly peaceful protests, but to no avail — the culture-enrichers came out in force and pelted police with stones.

From Samhällsnytt:

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That Deadly Red “Z”

I reported last night on the German brewery Moritz Fiege, which decided to eliminate the prominent red “Z” on the label of its Zwickelbier. By this means it hoped to thwart the evil black magic of Vladimir Putin and his satanic Russian forces. Or something.

In my introduction I remarked that I was unable to find a photo of the offending label with the red “Z”. It seemed that Internet had already been cleansed of the doubleplus ungood image.

Fortunately, our Hungarian correspondent László is a skilled digital sleuth, and found the photo shown at the top of this post. He includes these remarks:

I was interested in the picture of the bottle with the red Z, and I found several photos in DuckDuckGo (using the search words “Zwickel beer Moritz Fiege”).

But yes: it is being scrubbed from cyberspace. They could not scrub it from the entire Internet, because it can still be found in the general search results, but it was deleted from the ad agent photographer’s site.

Google cache still has it.

From that web cache you can get to the original upload (which is now somewhat hidden in the direct search results) of the photo agency.

At the risk of giving ideas to the idiots who act as the proctors of our online culture, I must point out that the letter “N” is simply a “Z” turned on its side. What if innocent unsuspecting citizens were to see a bottle, can, box, package, or other consumer good featuring a prominent “N”, while laid on its side? Might they be inspired to commit atrocities in the name of Putin, or even — gasp! — doubt the veracity of official government reports?

We can’t have that. The “N” must go, too.

Gates of Vienna News Feed 4/15/2022

According to Ukraine, the captain of the Moskva — the guided-missile cruiser that served as the flagship of Russia’s Black Sea fleet — was killed when his vessel exploded and sank. Also, a Ukrainian newspaper said that the Moskva may have been carrying two missiles armed with nuclear warheads.

In other news, Russia is on the verge of defaulting on its debt obligations by making its April payments in rubles. If it does not convert those payments to dollars by May 4, it will be considered in default.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, DV, Reader from Chicago, Upananda Brahmachari, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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“Z” Must Go!

The following article describes the decision by a German brewery to remove the evil letter “Z” from the labels on its beer bottles.

I wanted to post an illustration of the offending letter on a bottle, but I couldn’t find one. The article says a red “Z” appears on the label, but none of the photos in my search results showed anything like that. In all cases the “Z” was simply the first letter of “Zwickelbier”, and was not red.

Has the internet already been scrubbed of abominable Slavic symbol on the beer bottles?

I wonder if the company is planning to call its product “Wickelbier” from now on…

And what will become of Zwieback? Must we call it “Wieback”?

The island of Zanzibar will be renamed “Anibar”. And Zazz seltzer will be reduced to a single letter “A”.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from NTV:

Brewery removes “Z” on Zwickel beer label — reason is Ukraine war

Due to possible misunderstandings in connection with the Ukraine war, the Moritz Fiege brewery in Bochum is removing the red “Z” on the labels of its Zwickel beer. “The letter ‘Z’ took on new meaning as a result of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and has been used as a symbol by the Russian army and its supporters since hostilities began,” explains the brewery. The company expressly distances itself from this.

The labels are to be redesigned. During this period, the bottles will be delivered without a belly label, a spokeswoman said. Zwickelbier is a naturally cloudy cellar beer that the brewery has been offering since 2018. The “Z” stands for “Zwickel”. The beer remains recognizable by the smaller label on the neck of the bottle — but without the raised “Z”, according to the spokeswoman.

Afterword from the translator:

“Brainwash cycle complete” is all I have to say to this.

A Mujahid on Vax Guard Duty

This story is a rare convergence between the Great Jihad and the Great Corona Crisis: A young Austrian culture-enricher who was employed as a security guard for a government testing and “vaccination” center turned out to be a previously convicted terrorist for the Islamic State. To make matters worse, he had recently been arrested for allegedly raping a work colleague.

You can’t make this stuff up.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from the Austrian daily Kronen Zeitung:

Man in investigative custody

ISIS terrorist was security in Austria Center Vienna

A convicted ISIS terrorist was working at the beginning of the year in the vaccination and testing station in Austria Center Vienna (ACV) as security. There the 21-year-old was arrested on January 6 — he reportedly forced himself upon a work colleague the previous night. Since then the man has been in investigative custody. On Wednesday he had to appear before the Vienna regional court for rape, which was when his criminal record emerged.

How the 21-year-old succeeded in getting a job in the security service at the largest vaccination and testing station in the federal capital, as a legally convicted ex-ISIS terrorist, along with three other relevant convictions, seems a good question to ask not only the State Prosecutor.

His previous record had obviously not been checked by the company that hired him — neither the Austria Center Vienna nor the Worker Samaritan Federation Vienna (ASBW) as a vaccination-testing operator, as research by APA (Austrian Press Agency) showed.

Man was already convicted

It is a fact that in June 2017 in Vienna, the man was sentenced to 2½ years’ imprisonment — at least 10 months to be served — for association with terrorism and a criminal organization. For a young man — he was 17 years old— a not inconsiderable degree of punishment. According to the verdict, at the end of May in 2016 he had joined the radical Islamist militia Islamic State (IS), and intended to go to a terror camp to undergo combat training.

However, he was grabbed by Turkish authorities in the South Anatolian border town of Gaziantep, prevented from traveling onwards, and was sent back to Austria. Back in Vienna, in July 2016 he approached 11- and 12-year-old boys in a park and tried to recruit them for ISIS.

Also surfaced after imprisonment

After serving the minimum mandatory part of his sentence, the young man no longer surfaced in committing terrorist crimes. He did, however, continue to commit offenses; most recently he was convicted of committing intentional serious bodily injury.

Reportedly raped a work colleague

On January 5, as a security guard in the Austria Center, he met a co-worker at the vaccination station, with whom he made an appointment after work. They met in the city, went to a fast food shop for something to eat, and according to the complaint, went to a hotel at his urging. As the prosecutor laid out, the woman was reportedly intimidated at this point by the tall, strong, and dominating man.

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Mostly Peaceful Muslims Riot in Norrköping

As I reported yesterday, Rasmus Paludan’s planned burning of a Koran in the Swedish city of Linköping inspired an anticipatory riot by the culture-enrichers of that city. The ferocity of the rioters induced the police to withdraw from the location of the event, and the notorious Koran-burner was unable to make an appearance.

Mr. Paludan staged another event today in the heavily enriched Stockholm suburb of Rinkeby, where he was able to burn a Koran. Later he moved on to Örebro, and riots ensued in both places. For the latest information, see LN’s reports in the comments section of last night’s post.

Last night the violence spread from Linköping to the nearby city of Norrköping. Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Nyheter Idag:

Koran riots spread to Norrköping — Tram attacked

Thursday’s Koran riots, which began in Linköping, spread in the evening to the neighboring town of Norrköping, where Ramus [sic] Paludan had received permission for a general gathering. In Norrköping, cars were set on fire and some 100 masked persons were at the scene.

On Thursday afternoon, Linköping was shaken by a violent riot that broke out in the city district of Skäggetorp, when Ramsus [sic] Paludan was going to burn a Koran at a general gathering. A police car was set on fire, police uniforms were stolen by the rioters, and police withdrew from the scene.

On Thursday evening, the violence spread to the neighboring city of Norrköping, where Paludan had received permission for a similar gathering. Police report that a number of cars were set on fire in the neighborhoods of Hageby and Navestad.

Rescue services were subjected to rock-throwing, and fireworks were shot at cars in the area. One person was arrested.

We have received information that some 100 masked people are at the location, says police press spokesperson Johnny Gustafsson to Aftonbladet.

In connection with the riot, a number of people have broken into a business in Guldringen and stolen computer equipment.

Swedish State Television reports that Östgötatrafiken closed several tram stops in Norrköping, due to the violent riot.

Östgötatrafiken reports that a tram was attacked on the way to Kvarnberget, and a car was set on fire when the tram tried to pass.

“We have chosen not to send in replacement busses due to the risk of rock-throwing,” says Christer Ringman at Östgötatrafiken’s traffic management to SVT.

Gates of Vienna News Feed 4/14/2022

Russia’s guided-missile cruiser Moskva, the flagship of its Black Sea fleet, suffered a damaging explosion and had to be towed to port. The Ukrainian government claimed that one of its cruise missiles had struck the Moskva, but Russian authorities said an internal fire caused the explosion, which had nothing to do with an enemy attack.

In other news, Elon Musk has offered all Twitter shareholders a 38% premium on their shares in the company. Mr. Musk hopes to purchase Twitter in its entirety for $43 billion and take the company private.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, DV, LP, MMcC, Reader from Chicago, Upananda Brahmachari, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Name Your Poison

Most readers are familiar with the variation of the toxicity of individual batches of Pfizer’s experimental mRNA treatment that is intended to mitigate the effects of infection with the Wuhan Coronavirus. The differences are of such a magnitude that they cannot be attributed to random variation, statistically speaking. It has become clear that the composition of different batches was deliberately varied in a controlled fashion for experimental purposes.

The following German-language report provides additional data to support this thesis. Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the Austrian weekly Der Wochenblick:

“Russian Roulette” with the experimental gene treatments

Toxic gene injections: These are the 10 DEADLIEST Pfizer batches!

1.   Shocking finding, suspected high number of unreported cases
2.   The 10 deadliest Pfizer batches worldwide…
3.   …and only within the USA
4.   Quality problems known for a long time

As Wochenblick already reported, the batches of gene vaccines sometimes differ up to 3,000 times in terms of their toxicity. Renowned researchers have had doubts about the consistent manufacturing quality for some time, recognizing clear differences in color and effect. The most frequently injected active substance from BioNTech/Pfizer in many countries around the world is affected. Shock: In some cases, well over a hundred deaths can be traced back to one and the same batch!

Shocking finding, suspected high number of unreported cases

This is the result of ongoing database analyses of the VAERS system by, which periodically crawls the US adverse reaction reporting system. The data are neatly divided between US reports and international reports. The proportionate distribution suggests that, outside of America in particular, a high number of unreported cases of suspected side effects, including the death of the vaccinated person, are not sufficiently documented. The real situation could therefore be far more dramatic than has been proven so far.

The 10 deadliest Pfizer batches worldwide…

Currently (data: April 10, 2022) these are the 10 deadliest Pfizer batches worldwide (outside the USA). It is also striking that there are several adjacent or almost adjacent batch numbers among the presumably particularly dangerous production series. Could this be an indication of sloppy production standards?

EM0477: 235 deaths, 118 disabilities, 97 fatal diseases, 1962 adverse events reported
EJ6788: 148 deaths, 26 disabilities, 56 life-threatening diseases, 1137 adverse reactions reported
EJ6795: 147 deaths, 46 disabilities, 76 life-threatening diseases, 1041 adverse reactions reported
EK9788: 140 deaths, 142 disabilities, 112 life-threatening diseases, 2641 adverse reactions reported
EJ6796: 120 deaths, 38 disabilities, 64 life-threatening diseases, 1033 adverse reactions reported
EP9598: 97 deaths, 83 disabilities, 59 fatal diseases, 1133 adverse reactions reported
EP2166: 97 deaths, 101 disabilities, 85 fatal diseases, 1086 adverse reactions reported
EJ6134: 95 deaths, 169 disabilities, 59 fatal diseases, 1300 adverse reactions reported
EJ6789: 94 deaths, 101 disabilities, 45 life-threatening diseases, 1076 adverse events reported
ET3620: 86 deaths, 65 disabilities, 74 fatal diseases, 1109 adverse events reported.

…and only within the USA

And these 10 batches were responsible for a particularly large number of suspected deaths, especially in the USA. Here, too, the finding of possibly inferior neighboring batch numbers is repeated even in this top segment. The higher proportion of reports as a percentage of the total population and the population injected may be related to greater awareness of the VAERS reporting system in the United States.

EN6201: 90 fatalities, 57 disabilities, 47 fatal diseases, 2633 adverse reactions reported
EL9261: 83 deaths, 31 disabilities, 31 life-threatening diseases, 1749 adverse reactions reported
EN5318: 80 fatalities, 49 disabilities, 51 fatal diseases, 2604 adverse reactions reported
EL3248: 75 deaths, 30 disabilities, 25 life-threatening diseases, 1912 adverse events reported
EN6200: 71 fatalities, 43 disabilities, 46 fatal diseases, 2290 adverse reactions reported
EL3249: 68 deaths, 30 disabilities, 21 life-threatening diseases, 1972 adverse events reported
EL9269: 68 deaths, 29 disabilities, 40 life-threatening diseases, 1412 adverse events reported
EL9810: 65 deaths, 19 disabilities, 25 life-threatening diseases, 1096 adverse reactions reported
EN6202: 64 fatalities, 50 disabilities, 48 fatal diseases, 2209 adverse reactions reported
EL8982: 62 deaths, 40 disabilities, 25 life-threatening diseases, 1923 adverse events reported

Quality problems known for a long time

The concentration of life-threatening side effects up to and including the death of the patient is nothing new: as early as November, Wochenblick reported on research that suggested that in the USA just five percent of the batches were responsible for almost all deaths. Leaks about the side effect data from Pfizer and Moderna nevertheless suggested that the “vaccination” companies had known for a long time that the probability of a dangerous reaction is sometimes higher than the statistical chance of dying from or with Corona.

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Rasmus Paludan Strikes Again

NOTE: This post has been updated. Scroll to the bottom for additions to the original article.

In case anyone had any doubts, today’s events in the Swedish city of Linköping have clearly demonstrated who it is that rules in Sweden. Hint: It ain’t the Swedes.

Long-time readers will remember Rasmus Paludan, the founder and leader of the Danish party Stram Kurs (Hard Line). Mr. Paludan is notorious for upsetting Muslims with Koran burnings and other provocative actions in both Denmark and Sweden. He had arranged to burn a Koran in Linköping today, but unfortunately was prevented from doing so by mostly peaceful protesters of the Islamic persuasion.

Many thanks to LN for translating this article from Fria Tider:

Muslim riot in Linköping

April 14, 2022

A violent riot has broken out in Linköping in connection with a Koran burning organised by the Danish Islam critic Rasmus Paludan. Stones were thrown at police officers, police cars were smashed and set on fire, and the police have been forced to retreat.

Paludan had received permission for a public gathering in the form of a Koran burning at 3:30pm on Thursday, in the Skäggetorp district of Linköping.

Fifteen minutes before the Koran burning was due to begin, the police reported “individuals at the scene wearing masks and throwing stones at the police.”

At 3:34pm, the police announced that the situation had degenerated into what they describe as a violent riot.

Footage from the scene shows men standing on the roofs of police cars shouting “Allahu Akhbar”, “Abo” and the like.

Police cars were damaged, including one destroyed in a fire, but there are no reports of injuries so far.

“I didn’t see a single whole police car. There are queues at every intersection nearby,” a witness told Aftonbladet.

“Don’t want to confront”

At 3:56pm, the police were forced to regroup and withdraw from the centre of Skäggetorp.

“We do not want to confront and get into violent situations,” says Åsa Willsund, police spokesperson, to Expressen.

At 4:52pm, the situation was “still frozen”, according to the police, and the authorized gathering had not yet been able to start.

It is currently difficult to get into the centre of Skäggetorp by car. The police have considerable resources in place.

Update: Additional news was appended to the article early this evening:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 4/13/2022

Frank James, the man who is suspected of carrying out the shooting attack on the New York subway in Brooklyn yesterday, has turned himself in to authorities. Mr. James allegedly posted multiple black-nationalist rants on social media before launching his attack.

In other news, experts now believe the Soviet-era drone that crashed in Zagreb last month was carrying an aerial bomb that exploded during the crash.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, DV, JW, Reader from Chicago, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Germany is a Completely Safe Country

That’s what the Federal Ministry of the Interior would have you believe. They’re taking gaslighting to a whole new level.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the German-language service of the Epoch Times. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Crime statistics 2021 — Faeser: “A very safe country”

The 2021 Police Crime Statistics show many decreases in crime, but also some increases in certain areas.

A few days ago, the Federal Ministry of the Interior published the police crime statistics for 2021. Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser explained that the crime statistics show a positive development in most areas and the clear-up rate has risen again. “We are a very safe country and a strong constitutional state,” assured the SPD minister. [I almost spewed my coffee over the keyboard.]

Recorded crimes have been declining since 2017. In 2021, there were 5,047,860 crimes, a decrease of 4.9 % compared to 2020. The clearance rate reached 58.7 %, which is a new high.

More sex crimes [I wonder why?]

Only in a few areas of crime was there an increase in the number of cases compared to the previous year. For example, the offenses in the group “rape, sexual coercion and sexual assault, especially cases resulting in death” increased by 1.5% to 9,903 cases in 2021.

There has been a sharp increase in child sexual abuse. Here the number of cases rose by 6.2 % to 15,507 cases. In addition, an extremely high degree of distribution of pornographic writings was found: 50,206 cases (+87.8%).

Cybercrime and migration

White-collar crime (51,260 cases, +4.2 %) and computer fraud (113,002 cases, +7.6 %) are other areas that have increased. An increase of 12.1 % to 146,363 cases was also registered for cybercrime — the most conspicuous area is entitled: “Spying out, intercepting data, stealing data”. There was an increase of 38.6 % to 14,918 cases.

Although there was a slight decrease in violations of the law by foreigners by 0.2 % to 146,853 cases, the number of cases of unauthorized entry within this category rose by 7.7 % to 41,290 cases.

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