Wyniki wyszukiwania
  1. 7 kwi

    SP MLA Shazil Islam’s petrol pump levelled by bulldozer as he was running it without any permission Last week he threatened CM Yogi Adityanath.

  2. 11 kwi

    "3 students test positive for Covid at Ghaziabad school, offline classes suspended - India News"

  3. 6 godzin temu

    The “illegal construction” is just an excuse for the action (should courts intervene). Essentially wanted to send out a strong message - a la of “zero tolerance”. It is competitive muscularity of Mama and Baba.

  4. 5 kwi
  5. 10 kwi
  6. 9 kwi

    Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister says that the state government has recovered the land amounting to Rs. 2,500 crore from the land mafia. CM Adityanath says the campaign to free land encroached by the land mafia will continue.

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