
Good news! Part of the Diablo Immortal team has been re-assigned to SC2! by languagelearnererer in starcraft

[–]dot___ 1 point2 points  (0 children)

must be an intern, the real immortal deal would be 5% chance for 5 supply

Who is typically more skilled: white hats, grey hats, or black hats? by notburneddown in hacking

[–]dot___ 2 points3 points  (0 children)

on average i'd say the black hat is the most skilled. a lot of white and gray hats studied this stuff in school, whereas black hats were doing this for fun in real life

obviously there are individuals that break the rule so this is just a broad generalization

Why can't Diablo clones ever catch the magic of Diablo? by iliketolickthebuttah in Diablo

[–]dot___ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Sometimes it's less about the game and more about the time in our lives and the time in human history that can't be replicated.

Are sorceress much more time efficient to level? by BloodSweatnEquity in diablo2

[–]dot___ 1 point2 points  (0 children)

You got it - everyone levels fastest at Baal but a sorc can tele there.

Diablo 3 vs Diablo 2 for a newcomer? by FatSip in Diablo

[–]dot___ 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Diablo 3 is much more approachable and requires less time investment. The end game caps out much earlier. It's less loot-based than D2. They're fairly different - D3 will have better mechanics / combat and more QOL features and D2 will have more character building and loot hunting.

Who is the "they don't get calls" starting 5? by Ok-Map4381 in nba

[–]dot___ 15 points16 points  (0 children)

yup. dude is getting manhandled off ball like crazy too

Glover vs Jiri will mark the 8th biggest age difference in UFC title fight history. by kovalgenius in MMA

[–]dot___ 2 points3 points  (0 children)

the natural has to be one of the most egregious nicknames ever given to a fighter lmao

Shadows vs Immortals promotes pay to win by TerribleGachaLuck in Diablo

[–]dot___ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

yup - its gross but intentionally designed. a lot of the multiplayer very end game content is based on character power

Five superfights Dana White missed out on - MMA Junkie by 443610 in MMA

[–]dot___ 10 points11 points  (0 children)

tbh i think they're just a few years too far apart. ngannou is starting to make big gains in skill and jones has been slowing down for a few fights now. ngannou is so much bigger than him too, i think it'll be a massacre

think tank: what can the venue or staff do about pickpockets? by bewstedbored325 in electricdaisycarnival

[–]dot___ 2 points3 points  (0 children)

that's ok, there's no need to get all of them - as long as they catch some of them it'll discourage them from doing it next time. if the punishment isn't worth the risk, eventually it'll start to die off

Night 1 was rough, how was yours? by ryanasq554 in electricdaisycarnival

[–]dot___ 4 points5 points  (0 children)

hahahaa too true

you'rem issing some !!!! and <3 <3's love you guys so much see you soon loving it!!

My boyfriend doesn't like it when I get "too wet" while we're having sex. I can't help it, he turns me on a lot by Creepy-Night936 in TwoXChromosomes

[–]dot___ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

its crazy that it needs to be said, but no you're not doing anything wrong by being very wet and it's totally normal.

i can help relate to your boyfriend's side - i'm below average in size and i've dated girls who were wetter and maybe needed a bigger size, and i'm also circumcised (very low sensitivity). so i've had experiences where i had real difficulty orgasming and it really sucked. the girl felt unattractive and i felt inadequate.

i'm offering no solutions here, just hope you guys approach the situation with love and understanding!

While I don't agree with many decisions on game designs such as itemization and plot, one thing remains clear: D3 has the most fluid combat of any ARPG, second to none. by MillenniumDH in Diablo

[–]dot___ -1 points0 points  (0 children)

100% agreed. d3's combat and ease of jumping in without doing research or needing to look stuff up are its strongest redeeming qualities

Can old style RTS games survive the modern gamer? by BarrelSmash in truegaming

[–]dot___ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I played Brood War competitively in my younger years. I think RTS is a dying genre. I do agree that the micro/macro aspects of it have been split into separate genres these days.

I also think modern games have good pacing - there are high times and low times for the player to rest and think. In an RTS, the pace speeds up and the game turns into a sprint until it's over. That's really mentally exhausting to play compared to a moba or a round based game like valorant where there are lulls in action where you get to breathe and gather yourself.

Did you know Valkyrie has gear and stats, and they depend on colors she's spawned with? More info and details in comments. by Morbid1337 in diablo2

[–]dot___ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

one of the best threads ever. i loved how he could turn what was surely a mind numbing playthrough into a riveting story

D2R Merc barb is now deadly AF by distort_nam in Diablo

[–]dot___ 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Can't the merc use dual grief or grief/lw?