Bilaketaren emaitzak
  1. Duela 19 ordu
  2. mar. 14

    I am pleased to be joining the delegation to the CSW is the principal global policy-making intergov body dedicated to promoting & . I look ⏩ to negotiations to improve the status of women and girls towards .

  3. Duela 22 ordu
  4. mar. 8

    Happy together with are s this month featuring so grab some popcorn and enjoy!

  5. Duela 2 ordu

    has a strong mission, backed with unmatched determination and great expertise. A great mission and a great set of people. 🙏🏽 Can’t wait to see what they can do.

  6. mar. 14

    Today’s is on AMIkids Family Member Dr. Amy B. She is our National Director of Mental Health and has been nominated for her dedication.

  7. mar. 14

    When women unite, we become unstoppable. ❤️‍🔥

  8. mar. 9

    For years I've volunteered to plan and organize professional women empowerment events. Here's the top advice I've learned and followed. 🧵

    Erakutsi hari hau
  9. mar. 8

    Give us a chance to continue this glory..

  10. mar. 15
    erabiltzaileri erantzuten erabiltzaileari eta erabiltzaileri erantzuten

    It used to. Now it’s porpora red, (like blood) in theme with this year’s trend, old Roman fav color, but purple power always ✊

  11. Duela 23 ordu

    So proud of this attitude of our smart young officers! 'No need to prove we are equal. Just do ones job with passion...' Time for reporters to start asking better questions than 'gender discrimination in the services'! 🇮🇳

  12. mar. 8
  13. mar. 8

    Happy Woman’s Day wishes to all the women in the world! Check the description for the details.

    As a wildlife artist, I spend lots of time in the field observing birds/animal behavior. There are certain moments which mother nature presents before of us. These moments are rare and a treat to the eye, moments to cherish.
One such unforgettable moment in the wild, Mamma bear carrying her young one crossing the man made road through the wildlife reserve.
This is a forest reserve which belongs to the animals and they need to roam them free and without danger. However, man has encroached every bit and few such road crossing have a happy ending.
Women in the wild are also caring and exhibit many human traits. They face real dangers in raising their young in day-to-day life.
On this important day, which is dedicated to women all over the world, here is one moment I got to witness in the wild.
Widely published image in many daily newspapers and UK mail highlighting the threats that wildlife face in their day-to-day life.
Happy Woman’s Day wishes to all the women in the world!
Sloth bears

Badirudi kargak luze hartuko duela.

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