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  1. 9 hours ago

    The Canadian Parliament received message & about the Fire that destroyed thousands of businesses & crippled an already poor economic circulation. Thank you our Chandra Arya 4 tabling CanadianSomalilanders concern and pain we are enduring. Hopeful & Grateful

  2. Replying to

    Here's a ball for you. If held a for any portion of his tenure as an He broke the rules regarding tax If his wife held or holds one? Then why was her raised as an issue? A green card means the US is their

  3. 10 hours ago
    Replying to

    In , American permanent resident has been an since 2004, was from 2011 to 2015, Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition Leader from 2017-2020, and failed to become only then. , hey? Gotta be born there to become .

  4. Apr 7

    De manera preliminar se reporta que en los allanamientos que realizan investigadores de y el en Guatemala, Sololá y Zacapa han dado cumplimiento a 10 órdenes de captura por el delito de extorsión.

  5. Apr 7

    (2/2) Fiscalías del Ministerio Público de las Circunscripciones Judiciales de los estados que en ellas se especifican.

  6. | Wilson Camacho: El Ministerio Público es garante del Estado de derecho

  7. People View all