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The truth will not reveal itself.


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major investigations

After Ayotzinapa

In 2014, students from a rural college in Mexico came under attack by police. Six people were killed and 43 young men disappeared without a trace.

Mississippi Goddam

Reveal’s serial podcast investigates a story that is a reckoning of justice in America. Explore the series.

The logo for American Rehab shows an illustrated figure, in black, clinging to a large cog. In the background, other cogs spin against an orange color.

American Rehab

A treatment for drug addiction has turned tens of thousands of people into an unpaid, shadow workforce.

A black and white portrait of Doña Amalia - a ray of sunlight illuminates her face as she sits in a chair in her house.

The Disappeared

For six years, a North Carolina family has tried to find out what the U.S. government did with its children after they were separated at the border.