Tag X: Køpi-Platz is violently expropriated by Sanus Beteiligungs AG

October 18th: It was still early in the morning when the tanks entered the red zone.

Activists opposing arms fair hit with police raids

October 15th: Police have conducted 6 raids on activists opposing the AOC 2021 Liverpool Arms Fair, according to direct action and solidarity group Palestine Action.

Temporary Autonomous Arts celebrates 20th anniversary

October 14th: Welcome back Temporary Autonomous Arts - not so temporary after all!

It ain’t over ’til it’s Wendover: Eviction begins on anti HS2 fortress in Buckinghamshire

October 13th: Wendover Active Resistance camp, part of the ongoing direct action campaign against white elephant and eco-atrocity HS2, was surrounded by around a hundred bailiffs, HS2 security and specialist eviction teams in the early hours of Sunday morning (10th October).

Calais, France: Message from the refugee people after the death of our brother

October 11th: On 28th September, a young Sudanese man Yasser died at the French-British border.

Greece: two members of Rouvikonas threatened with life imprisonment (call for support)

September 30th: Two members of anarchist collective Rouvikonas are facing a potential life imprisonment if convicted in a trial that was described as Kafkaesque.

Russia: two anarchists sentenced to prison for a banner drop

September 22nd: On 10th September, the Central District Court of Chelyabinsk, Russia, announced the verdict in the case of two anarchists, Anastasia Safonova and Dmitry Tsibukovsky, accused of a banner drop.

Devastate to insulate?

October 17th: As Insulate Britain call a ‘temporary pause’ in their campaign of road blocking, Bill Stickers asks participants is this the road ahead, or a cul-de-sac?

Murder by negligence on EU border

September 27th: Last month, Freedom reported on the plight of 32 people from Afghanistan seeking asylum in the EU imprisoned on the Polish-Belarus border and left there without food, shelter or medical assistance for weeks.

Sophia Kropotkin (and a trip to Hartlepool)

September 18th: Notes and an extract on the life of an under-researched figure of revolutionary Europe.

Priti Fascist: Another civil liberties crackdown announced

October 7th: Another Tory party conference, another round of law ‘n’ order announcements.

The multiple and overlapping crises in the UK point to a sustained need for mutual aid

October 1st: In the recent printed edition of Freedom, there was an article reflecting on Covid and the mutual aid groups that sprung up in the early days of the pandemic.

A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: the new tax rise

September 11th: Boris Johnson has recently announced a 1.25% tax increase on national insurance in order to ‘help provide greater funding for health and social care.’ This specific increase is advertised as being ‘legally ring fenced’ and will only be allocated to health and social care.