
XMLSchema is a lightweight Java object model that can be used to manipulate and generate XML schema representations. You can use it to read XML Schema (xsd) files into memory and analyze or modify them, or to create entirely new schemas from scratch.

XMLSchema 2.0 is a major revision that takes advantage of the facilities of Java 1.5. XMLSchema 2.3.0 requires Java8 or higher.

For information on how to use the XmlSchema API, please see the javadocs or the tutorial.

XmlSchema eagerly welcomes suggestions, documentation, and most of all code. Please join our dev list, submit JIRA entries, and attach patches.


Note that historical JIRA issues for XmlSchema are in the WSCOMMONS project, while new issues are in the XMLSCHEMA project.


Most users incorporate XML Schema via maven. You can also download release packages from downloads.

-The XMLSchema Development Team (dev at ws.apache.org)