Resultados de búsqueda
  1. 7 abr.

    French neo-nazis with Ukrainian neo-nazi 'Right Sector' militia:

  2. 8 abr.

    🏰In , near the Russian consulate building, Ukrainians laid out personal belongings and household appliances and covered them with red paint.

  3. hace 5 horas

    Yes, I’m her CNN colleague; but more than anything, I’m her fan. Christiane embodies everything a journalist should be. And she’s super cool too! Great to see you, Christiane! Nice chat…

  4. 8 abr.

    Russian Embassy in , : "Russian army is a mob of MURDERERS, RAPISTS and LOOTERS"

  5. 8 abr.

    Dozens of on Friday gathered outside the former consulate in , protesting allegations of Russian soldiers looting from Ukrainian homes. Outside the consulate, protesters symbolically piled up home appliances, laptops, desktop computers and a pet kennel.

  6. 1 abr.
  7. hace 3 horas
  8. 8 abr.

    Taką skromną niespodziankę - koszulki z herbem przygotował naszym gościom :)

  9. hace 9 horas

    ile yaşanan savaşta, hayatını kaybeden 43 yaşındaki Ukraynalı asker Oleksandr Dymarezkyi için 'deki Azizler Peter ve Paul Garrison Kilisesi’nde cenaze töreni düzenlendi. Tören sırasında askerlerin yakınları üzüntü yaşadı

  10. hace 13 horas

    saldırıları altındaki 'nın kenti sakinliğini koruyor

  11. 8 abr.

    До нас їдуть хороші цяцьки, і це добре. Але нажаль про це вже гучно повідомили. Тому сьогодні на сирену обовязково сходьте до сховища. Поширюйте серед близьких.

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