Manifesto of Fridays For Future in Romania – an inspiration to climate movement

A relaunched group of “Fridays for Future” in Romania held its first meeting in Brasov on February 26 and 27. The document we publish today is the manifesto they agreed at that meeting. The group...

The origin of women’s oppression

The oppression of women has not been an omnipresent feature of human society throughout all of human history. While women are certainly universally oppressed in today’s world, this has not always been the case,...

NSW nurses strike: Breaking the silence and getting into action after a decade

After 10 years of strike inactivity, the nurses of Australia have stepped into the arena and have initiated a campaign to improve the nurse-to-patient ratio and increase their wages. Between 6,000 and 10,000 nurses...

A new initiative by revolutionary socialists

Internationalist Standpoint is a website created by revolutionary socialists from different countries. The initiative was taken by a number of sections that left the ISA in the first half of 2021: Xekinima, from Greece,...

Andrews government continues public housing privatisation by stealth

The Victorian state Labor government as part of its neoliberal political agenda is surreptitiously implementing a privatised Social Housing policy. This policy is an underhanded attempt by the government to justify its escalating program...

Statement of Collaboration With International Socialist Forward

In recent months comrades from Socialist Action and International Socialist Forward have engaged in a process of ongoing discussion. This has been with a view towards building trust and a principled basis for collaboration...

The rich get richer whilst the rest of us suffer under Covid-19

At the start of the lockdowns in March wrapping around Centrelink buildings around the country were large queues of people who just found out they were out of work. The MyGov website crashed in...

Healthcare workers need proper PPE!

Many of us have shown our gratitude to healthcare workers by giving them a round of applause as this pandemic has reminded us of the importance of proper access to healthcare. Unfortunately, applause and...