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From the archive: Gary Kent on Stop the War

Stop The War is in the news for its opposition to Western action to protect Ukraine. Labour leader Keir Starmer has gone so far as to say "At best they are naive, at worst they actively give succour to authoritarian leaders who directly threaten democracies. There is nothing progressive in showing solidarity with the aggressor when our allies need our solidarity and – crucially – our practical assistance now more than ever." Googling around this, I noticed a 2015 piece about them by Gary Kent of Labour Friends of Iraq  - "Corbyn's kebabs with sectarians" - was no longer online, so I am pasting it here from the Wayback Machine . *** Jeremy Corbyn will this Friday grace a Stop the War Coalition fundraising dinner at a Turkish/Kurdish restaurant as their guest. He has spurned calls from Labour members of parliament to stay away from this hotchpotch of ultra-leftist groupuscules that abhor democratic socialists.

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