:: Saturday, December 08, 2012 ::


banksy, originally uploaded by alister.

As you may have gathered I am not updating this blog any more.

But don't be sad! You can find me at http://redkola.tumblr.com/

Don't be a stranger!

:: Alister | 6:05 pm | save this page to del.icio.us Save This Page | permalink⊕ | | (0) comments

:: Sunday, August 19, 2012 ::


Malvinas, originally uploaded by alister.

:: Alister | 3:14 pm | save this page to del.icio.us Save This Page | permalink⊕ | | (0) comments

:: Saturday, April 14, 2012 ::

Traffic Drain

Traffic Drain, originally uploaded by alister.

:: Alister | 8:39 pm | save this page to del.icio.us Save This Page | permalink⊕ | | (0) comments

:: Wednesday, November 30, 2011 ::

N30 Strike, Edinburgh Demo

N30 Strike, Edinburgh Demo, originally uploaded by alister.

Perspective not dead? Not quite despite the lure of social media. Pics from the N30 strike. http://flic.kr/s/aHsjx4HJLR

:: Alister | 4:51 pm | save this page to del.icio.us Save This Page | permalink⊕ | | (0) comments

:: Sunday, June 05, 2011 ::

#spanishrevolution hits Edinburgh

Real Democracy Now Scotland

Spain and Greece already have mass youth unemployment and now they face austerity cuts. The same cuts we face here in Scotland. Spanish and Greek youth have taken to the streets of Edinburgh in solidarity with the mass protests in their countries. Scots take note.


:: Alister | 9:36 pm | save this page to del.icio.us Save This Page | permalink⊕ | | (0) comments

:: Thursday, May 26, 2011 ::

First morning of SNP majority government in Edinburgh

I have a feeling we may have a bit more to say about this in the years and months to come.

:: Alister | 9:03 pm | save this page to del.icio.us Save This Page | permalink⊕ | | (0) comments

:: Sunday, March 27, 2011 ::


RIP, originally uploaded by alister.

I joined the 450, 000 who marched in the streets of London to defend public services and oppose the ConDem cuts. A good humoured family day out for ordinary workers. It was the biggest demo in London for 10 years.

Police subsequently attacked the non-violent sit ins by UK Uncut and those partying in Trafalgar Square. Black Bloc types had a ruck, which made them feel good about themselves I guess.

But the real story was the march, and what comes after.

Good analysis by Laurie Penny in the New Statesman and Paul Mason of Newsnight.

:: Alister | 6:06 pm | save this page to del.icio.us Save This Page | permalink⊕ | | (11) comments