
NFL team subreddit trades for a player with a history of strangling his wife and child abuse. The response is Wins>Morals by jugodev in SubredditDrama

[–]conalfisher[M] [score hidden] stickied comment (0 children)

Hey jugodev! Thank you for your submission, unfortunately it has been removed from /r/SubredditDrama because:

  • You are involved in the drama. You may only post links if you are not the source of the drama or directly involved in the drama. Do not submit drama you have participated in

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Best fingerings for these tremolos? by jammies00 in Clarinet

[–]conalfisher 1 point2 points  (0 children)

No worries! Honestly I think I would just use a regular fingering there, experiment with using left or right B; without holding my clarinet in my hands I'd reckon left B would be easier there, but you might find right B easier to coordinate. See what works for you. These are the kinds of fingerings where repetitive practice is hugely useful, you can really get any repeated fingering to work if you just do it enough times slowly, and then speed it up till you can do it quickly.

Best fingerings for these tremolos? by jammies00 in Clarinet

[–]conalfisher 2 points3 points  (0 children)

It'll he awkward whatever way you do it but for the Eb I'd probably use D fingering with the little key under the second fingerhole (the one you've probably never used before because it's almost useless) and then just regular F# fingering & Ab fingering. It'll not be particularly clean but it'll be good enough probably.

A Reddit user posts a seemingly innocent documentary about the CIA's involvement in a coup which caused a genocide; Reddit detectives discover that OP supports Russian invasion of Ukraine and posted on genzedong, whom supports Uyghur genocide in Xinjiang. by [deleted] in SubredditDrama

[–]conalfisher 2 points3 points  (0 children)

6 year old account, zero activity until coming into this thread exclusively to defend their tankie opinions. Literally couldn't have made the shilling more obvious if they'd tried.

GenZedong has been quarantined by Revolutionary830 in SubredditDrama

[–]conalfisher 86 points87 points  (0 children)

"objectively speaking' fucking lol this is what happens when you define your entire personality around the political compass, "well actually if you look at this graph I'm in the red square and that's opposite the blue square so clearly you're the Nazi"

What was your first clarinet and what do you play on now? by MamiSkilts in Clarinet

[–]conalfisher 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Got a school Yamaha 250 when I was 7ish, it was actually decent except the keys all needed adjusting (and never were, which actually ended up leading to some technique issues down the line when I upgraded to a "working" clarinet, but I digress). When I was 14 I decided I'd save up all my money for a good clarinet, then 2 years later got an £800 Buffet R13 on eBay, and somehow didn't get completely scammed (do NOT buy suspiciously cheap instruments on eBay), it was a really good condition horn and it's still my main instrument years later.

I know Fsus2 and Fsus4 - But what's Fsus? by Avocadoness24 in musictheory

[–]conalfisher 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Sus4 voicings are much more common than sus2 voicings (and the two are somewhat interchangable, eg. Csus2 is essentially Gsus4/C, both are C D G), so sus is used as a shorthand for sus4

You wake up with the ability to make people orgasm on command. How do you wield this power? by [deleted] in AskReddit

[–]conalfisher 4 points5 points  (0 children)

They did it to humans as well in the days before human testing restrictions, exact same outcome, subjects would just press the button nonstop.

Wikipedia deletion of four-part harmony by PercussionistsUnite in musictheory

[–]conalfisher 7 points8 points  (0 children)

They absolutely could, but it's unreasonable to expect them to. Many already do, and that's amazing, but with no profit incentive we can only hope they'll take time out of their lives to write these, we can't expect every Wikipedia article to be at that level of quality.

Wikipedia deletion of four-part harmony by PercussionistsUnite in musictheory

[–]conalfisher 9 points10 points  (0 children)

I don't care if there's an article or not.

But if there is one, it should be written by a professional scholar.

Wikipedia is a non-profit maintained entirely by volunteers. Nobody's going to pay academics to write articles.

/r/buildapc hits FIVE MILLION builders - giveaway time! by OolonCaluphid in buildapc

[–]conalfisher 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Can we get monitor names that aren't just strings of meaningless gibberish?

After shopping for St Patty's in my new house, and I noticed something. by Pour_me_one_more in Perfectfit

[–]conalfisher 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Well get your priorities in order man lmao, there are more important things to worry about than yanks being yanks

Missouri lawmaker attacks 14 year old girl and inappropriately questions her genitals by amznfx in PublicFreakout

[–]conalfisher 1 point2 points  (0 children)

This is the most /r/confidentlyincorrect thing I've read today, literally every part of your comment was wrong, excellent job!

Someone got her translation wrong lol.

Mmm nah, you definitely like peeking at stranger's genitals a lot more than most people. Also, *his

Listen lady,


the way a urinal works, you don't hump it. You stand back a good 6 - 8 inches and all it takes is a glance.

I'm aware of how they work. It's not a matter of distance from the urinal, it's a matter of optics. Unless your urinals are laid out in a curve, you're going to have to look sideways to see the other guy's dick. Maybe if you're shoulder to shoulder you could see it in your peripheral vision, but I'd hope you at least abide by the 1 urinal buffer rule which I'd hope transcends all cultural boundaries. Regardless, the only way you can see another guy's genitals at a urinal is if you turn your head to look. I'll fully admit that it could happen if you're being careless, but I'd imagine most guys would activity try not to look out of, well, common decency. With how you're describing it I would highly doubt that in your case

It's literally that easy.

Eh, no it's not.

SMH, don't speak for men again.

Rounding it off with some condescending sexism. Classy.

EDIT: I spelt /r/confidentlyincorrect wrong, I recognize the irony lol

Missouri lawmaker attacks 14 year old girl and inappropriately questions her genitals by amznfx in PublicFreakout

[–]conalfisher 11 points12 points  (0 children)

just a lot of us gay guys like the free show.

Translation: It's not easy, you're just a perv who actively looks at people's junk in the bathroom. You have to actively look over to see them, like, lean forward and turn your head.

r/Conservatives posts news regarding a rape of a minor girl and has to lock thread to stop comments harassing her by [deleted] in SubredditDrama

[–]conalfisher[M] [score hidden] stickied comment (0 children)

Hey ! Thank you for your submission, unfortunately it has been removed from /r/SubredditDrama because:

  • Your post requires users to hunt for the drama.

You linked to too much content for users to find the drama easily, or didn't link to any drama at all.

Please link directly to the comment thread containing the drama. If the comment you're linking to requires some context, add "?context=x" to the URL, where "x" is the number of parent comments you want displayed. If there are multiple drama threads create a self-post containing the relevant links. Please see here if you'd like more information

If you're unsure how to use context or to submit a write up, please check out our wiki.

For more on our rules, please check out our detailed rules wiki. If you have any questions or concerns about this removal feel free to message the moderators.

if Ghibli was real. by andrehunga in ghibli

[–]conalfisher -3 points-2 points  (0 children)

idk I think japanese people would probably be offended by you calling them non-human

Ukraine. 9 years old with a lollipop. And a rifle by [deleted] in BeAmazed

[–]conalfisher -1 points0 points  (0 children)

It's not badassery. Child soldiers are not badass. What the fuck is wrong with you

EDIT: Imagine downvoting a comment saying that putting children in active combat situations is a bad thing. Fuck the Russian government/oligarchy and fuck Putin, but holy shit get your priorities in order

Anyone know why my posts in r/mildlyinfuriating would be immediately removed? by in_rainbro in AskModerators

[–]conalfisher 0 points1 point  (0 children)

If they're immediately being removed then it's likely automod getting them. If they're not giving you a reason when you've already messaged then it's likely that the posts simply break a rule, or they're just slow at responding to modmail.

My BOP record, look at my comment by Efficient-Ad-3249 in elo

[–]conalfisher 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Like others have mentioned it could have been given to a radio station, but I've also seen a few of those given to vinyl stores, and I'd imagine they got given out to various different places also. Whatever the case, they're not extremely rare but it's pretty cool even still.