
[English subs] "Dududu, we'll take out the horde" song by The Коля by Ortenrosse in ukraine

[–]Ortenrosse[S] 10 points11 points  (0 children)

I found this song absolutely great and I felt like it didn't get enough attention on release.

Although I can't make an artistic rhyming translation, I tried to preserve the flow - few minor liberties taken to that end.

Original here.

Some translation notes:

  • "Van'ka" (Ванька) is a generic Russian name - think "a John"

  • Trident and twin-headed eagle are the symbols on coats of arms of Ukraine and russia respectively.

  • Original chorus lyrics end with "...so imperial infection/contagion gets removed from the body of the globe", but it just doesn't roll off the tongue in English.

Imagine if these things were happening to your country… #StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦 by [deleted] in ukraine

[–]Ortenrosse 1 point2 points  (0 children)

It's CGI showing what war like that could've looked like in Germany (I think).

A bonus from occupiers. by Dvorakovsky in ukraine

[–]Ortenrosse 2 points3 points  (0 children)

It's not even my house but I recognize that pizza box stack!

Russia’s elite wants to eliminate Putin, they have already chosen a successor - intelligence by Passage-Extra in ukraine

[–]Ortenrosse 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Just for the sake of completion, the linked Ukrainian intelligence refers to russian sources.

The part of the quote not translated in the article:

Інформація надійшла саме від російської сторони. Імовірно, так керівництво ФСБ намагається послабити вплив Кадирова. Також це може бути спробою завчасно налагодити взаємодію з українською владою в обхід нинішнього керівництва РФ.

"This information came from the Russian side. It is possible that that's how FSB directorate is attempting to reduce Kadyrov's influence. It might also be an attempt of a timely repair of relationship with the Ukrainian government, going around the current government of RF."

Mariupol in ruins… by Bozzooo in ukraine

[–]Ortenrosse 3 points4 points  (0 children)

The paper on the car says "Дети" which apparently means "bullseye" in Moscow dialect.

While moving with provisions to the soldiers defending the city, the Azovs were stopped by citizens asking for help with food. Defenders of the city shared their modest reserves to feed at least a few children and the elderly. Mariupol, Ukraine by Bozzooo in ukraine

[–]Ortenrosse 344 points345 points  (0 children)

I've remained - to my own surprise - quite stoic through most of it, including my own circumstances, or videos of civilian and even child casualties.

But from time to time, small (in comparison) things like the young man crying over his mother's copse, or a father coming back to Ukraine in righteous fury to avenge his murdered son, or even an inconspicuous one like this grandma make me crack and bawl my eyes out. If I had to guess, it has to do with expression of emotions rather than just gory aftermath alone.

While moving with provisions to the soldiers defending the city, the Azovs were stopped by citizens asking for help with food. Defenders of the city shared their modest reserves to feed at least a few children and the elderly. Mariupol, Ukraine by Bozzooo in ukraine

[–]Ortenrosse 1075 points1076 points 3& 2 more (0 children)

The grandma asked,

"Excuse me, do you know how it is behind Vostochna?" ("Eastern", area in Mariupol)

"Don't worry, everyone's in shelters, don't cry, granny."

Elderly tears, for some reason, hit me the hardest.

Handwritten message on a Ukrainian bank note- anyone that can translate? by miss_solrik in ukraine

[–]Ortenrosse 12 points13 points  (0 children)

It's a distorted version of Igor Guberman's poem from the book "Гарики на каждый день" (Gariki for every day).


Не зная покоя и роздыха,

при лунном и солнечном свете

я делаю деньги из воздуха,

чтоб тут же пустить их на ветер.

In the original, the first line doesn't mention sleep, the word for "rest" is archaic, and the last two lines are in first person ("I'm making money from nothing, to immediately blow it off")

CC, FYI: u/Atroblade, u/miss_solrik

8 Russian soldiers killed by Ukrainian babushka who gave them poison pastries by JupiterQuirinus in ukraine

[–]Ortenrosse 8 points9 points  (0 children)


included in u/JupiterQuirinus comment.

The story is clearly fake because it says those guys "went back home in zinc coffins" when it's well known Russia doesn't take their fertilizer back. (jk)

Ukraine's new agriculture division. by Prizrenski_vitez in ukraine

[–]Ortenrosse 28 points29 points  (0 children)

Fun fact: the name on top says "Ivan Olen'" which means "Ivan Deer", Ivan being the John of Ukrainian/Russian names so... yes?

Go west! by tosiu82 in ukraine

[–]Ortenrosse 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Wearing the Ukrainian flag colors, too

A Russian on the 'Innocent Russians' narrative. (Mods, this is in no way a Pro-Invasion Post, I am just trying to give my perspective.) by Valos346 in ukraine

[–]Ortenrosse 8 points9 points  (0 children)

I watched the 1420 videos. Quite a lot, actually.

Those people are mostly for war, at least to some extent. Even the youth, though more of them have the "idk lol" attitude. Not a single person on that channel has ever correctly answered whether Crimea should be part of russia and to what country it belongs, and that includes a bunch of teenagers/students.

"I guess... ours now?" was the closest one to have even a trace of doubt.

Putin is going to do the "referendum" thing again. by Statharas in ukraine

[–]Ortenrosse 39 points40 points  (0 children)

With some 103% turn up rate. And 99.7% of the ballots will be "in favor of joining Russia, because Ukraine smells"! Totally legitimate!


Footage of russian tanks using machineguns to shoot civilian cars. by xXxSlavWatchxXx in ukraine

[–]Ortenrosse 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Tiktok links get removed by automod. Gotta do the legwork manually.

Footage of russian tanks using machineguns to shoot civilian cars. by xXxSlavWatchxXx in ukraine

[–]Ortenrosse 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Source is the tik tok, you can see the account on watermark.

One video before it looks like the bullet hole in that car. Afterwards there are some videos talking about it, and the guy that looks like Carrot Top is a 16 year old that was in one of the cars that got shot.

Doesn't seem faked.

Valve reportedly halts Steam payments to developers in Ukraine, alongside Russia and Belarus. by Ortenrosse in ukraine

[–]Ortenrosse[S] 60 points61 points  (0 children)

Found the tweet.


Long story short - due to new requirements from their bank they couldn't deal with bureaucracy. But still, the Ukrainian devs won't get their pay this month.

Kadyrov did not come to Ukraine, his phone data reveals by my_dog_can_dance in ukraine

[–]Ortenrosse 2 points3 points  (0 children)

We wrote a message to Kadyrov in the Telegram messenger, introducing ourselves as a RIA Novosti journalist, and added a link to the article on the very day when, according to Kadyrov, he was in Ukraine, near Kyiv.

Yep. Corrected timeline:

Day 1: Kadyrov pretends to be near Kyiv

The very same day:

  1. Journalists impersonate RIA and send him a message with a shortened link

  2. Kadyrov clicks on link, which first goes through the shortener service which logs his ip, and then to the article.

  3. Shortener service shows that the link was clicked from a PC in Grozny.

Kadyrov did not come to Ukraine, his phone data reveals by my_dog_can_dance in ukraine

[–]Ortenrosse 3 points4 points  (0 children)

It's not Telegram that was fooled, but Kadyrov. They added a link to their message and recorded the IP that requested that link. And that dumbass just clicked it.

The service is called iplogger (link filtered by reddit).

It's a URL shortener which logs the IPs it tunnels.

CC: u/my_dog_can_dance