
It used to belong to us, we're just taking it back. by the_german_flag in linuxmemes

[–]the_german_flag[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I'm genuinely sick of people conflating "I don't like this" with "This is objectively bad." especially with humour.

*slaps table* Thank you!

It used to belong to us, we're just taking it back. by the_german_flag in linuxmemes

[–]the_german_flag[S] 20 points21 points  (0 children)

About that "too soon". Please read my statement in one of the discussions below, thank you.

It used to belong to us, we're just taking it back. by the_german_flag in linuxmemes

[–]the_german_flag[S] 40 points41 points  (0 children)

*not funny to me because I deal different with it

Please don't state your own morals as the absolute.

It used to belong to us, we're just taking it back. by the_german_flag in linuxmemes

[–]the_german_flag[S] 93 points94 points  (0 children)

Hi, OP here... I'm German (r/usernamechecksout) and with that also European.

First up: I find the attack on Ukraine abhorrent and misanthropic in all measures. I am watching the pictures in a state of shock. I may not have seen war in rl, but as a volunteer firefighter I have witnessed death and horrific suffering right in front of my eyes.

Forgive me, but I believe it's an illusion that being macabre is a bad thing and such things are taboo for jokes. I've learned that a forced seriousness is only a sign of one's own insecurity and fear, because yourself cannot or does not want to face your own struggle with the situation. Such a behavior is neither productive nor emotionally supportive for anyone.

Being able to deal with a situation well mentally also includes being able to make jokes about it. Dark humor is not equal to Moral relativism... at least not always and not with my post.

And that time thing... don't even get me started on that "too soon" BS. There is no statute of limitations on horror. It doesn't age away. Affected people will be just as triggered by these jokes in 10 years as they are now. Only that the rest will suddenly find it ok... and that's especially a spit in the face for everyone with PTSD. These moral standards have no basis. Do it now or do it never.

Back in the game by utkarshsudhir in memes

[–]the_german_flag 21 points22 points  (0 children)

ð?–„ð?–”ð?–šâ€™ð?–—ð?–Š ð?–†ð?–˜ ð?–‡ð?–Šð?–†ð?–šð?–™ð?–Žð?–‹ð?–šð?–‘ ð?–†ð?–˜ ð?–™ð?–?ð?–Š ð?–‰ð?–†ð?–ž ð?•´ ð?–‘ð?–”ð?–˜ð?–™ ð?–žð?–”ð?–š.

the ritual by RosieGhostMD in FunnyAnimals

[–]the_german_flag 17 points18 points  (0 children)

Deers lick new born fawns like that to remove amniotic fluid in order to prevent infections and stuff. The deers probably being psychologically triggered by the cat's size and the fact that it's laying down and not resisting. Saw cows do the same with a Dalmatian once.

Back in the game by utkarshsudhir in memes

[–]the_german_flag 58 points59 points  (0 children)

Being proud to have zat. Tried my best to get it.

Back in the game by utkarshsudhir in memes

[–]the_german_flag 400 points401 points  (0 children)

*inzert "German weaponz technology is ze world's finest!" here*

Back in the game by utkarshsudhir in memes

[–]the_german_flag 1046 points1047 points  (0 children)

No no no, we going east firzt zis time. We planing to be in russia at around summer... Not doing zis mistake again.

Why am I getting a Combined Delivery upgrade for one package? by the_german_flag in Aliexpress

[–]the_german_flag[S] 12 points13 points  (0 children)

No, I'm super happy, but mainly confused. I had upgrades before but then it had just added a following tracking number. Ali's Combined Delivery system on the other hand is exclusively for merging multiple parcels in one. A minimal value is also required, which my order with 3,10$ (free shipping) doesn't fulfill ("Typically the threshold is €5 or $5." - promossale). And often times it doesn't even upgrade the shipping method.

It's simply not the way how single shipments are upgraded. You can see this by the phrasing and everything. "Items from different stores are combined into 1 package" and the word "orders" in "we delivery 1 orders to you in one parce" is fixed as plural. And then it wants to give me a list... with one order in it, lmao

The best explanation I can come up with is that the backlog of orders from Chinese New Year is worked off by the sellers; and the current spike in packages forces Ali to upgrade random parcels from Cainiao to AliExpress in oder to better distribute the workload in shipments. A sign for that maybe the altered airport for the EU import now being DE Frankfurt (preferred by AliExpress Standard) and not BE Liege (preferred by Cainiao).

Why am I getting a Combined Delivery upgrade for one package? by the_german_flag in Aliexpress

[–]the_german_flag[S] 6 points7 points  (0 children)

But it's just one 3,10$ phone case. It would maybe qualify for AliExpress Saver Shipping but not AliExpress Standard Shipping. I'm confused to the max.

German Reporter discovers his old scratching tag from the 1993/94 on North Korean Subway since they use old Trams from Berlin by the_german_flag in interestingasfuck

[–]the_german_flag[S] 13 points14 points  (0 children)

They can't move freely in the country and they have to promise to only report about the tourism and nothing political as long as they're in the country. The journalist in the video also got into slight problems with his guides right after pointing at the scratching.

German Reporter discovers his old scratching tag from the 1993/94 on North Korean Subway since they use old Trams from Berlin by the_german_flag in interestingasfuck

[–]the_german_flag[S] 26 points27 points  (0 children)

Basically correct. He didn't noticed by chance. He knew before he traveled. "... But the windows were not replaced. And when I was 12 or 13 years old, I was pubescent and scratched the glass with stones. We called that "Scratching" (in English). And my Scratchings drive until this day with the Pyongyang's subway. We're going to look for my old tag now. *music* There, on the other side is a big scratch picture, that I made in 1993 or -94 on this window. It's the U5 (Berlin subway line) going through Pyongyang. Just insane."

German Reporter discovers his old scratching tag from the 1993/94 on North Korean Subway since they use old Trams from Berlin by the_german_flag in interestingasfuck

[–]the_german_flag[S] 62 points63 points  (0 children)


... But the windows were not replaced. And when I was 12 or 13 years old, I was pubescent and scratched the glass with stones. We called that "Scratching" (in English). And my Scratchings drive until this day with the Pyongyang's subway. We're going to look for my old tag now. *music* There, on the other side is a big scratch picture, that I made in 1993 or -94 on this window. It's the U5 (Berlin subway line) going through Pyongyang. Just insane.

Deutsch [CC]:

... Aber die Scheiben wurden nicht ausgewechselt. Und als ich 12 oder 13 Jahre alt war, war ich pubertär und habe mit Steinen die Scheibe zerkratzt. Wir nannten das "Scratching". Und meine Scratchings fahren bis zum heutigen Tag durch die pjöngjanger Unterwelt. Wir suchen jetzt mal mein altes Tag. *Musik* Da, auf der anderen Seite ist ein großes Kratzbild, das ich 1993 oder -94 an diese Scheibe gemacht habe. Es ist die U5, die durch Pjöngjang fährt. Es ist einfach so irre.