
Texas school district locked down on reports of shooter by rishcast in news

[–]elkfn2 -2 points-1 points  (0 children)

They need to bring back public execution for whoever did this i would pay good money to watch

Fixed a recent incorrect meme by hondacivic225 in EngineeringStudents

[–]elkfn2 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Then OP should have said "systems engineering" not "IT engineering"

Fixed a recent incorrect meme by hondacivic225 in EngineeringStudents

[–]elkfn2 0 points1 point  (0 children)

In that case working at Walmart is "engineering" because you use tech to solve various problems there. And so are many other fields that aren't even STEM

CS isnt engineering because

Its not an applied PHYSICAL SCIENCE.

There is no FE exam

With CS you are not designing anything under any physical constraints which is literally in the definition of engineering. Even if you do use physics to simulate you aren't constrained by physics in the way engineers are

CS is a science not engineering. CE is engineering however

If you're that mad that your field isn't engineering then CS may not be the field for you

CS isnt a bad field. Its just not engineering

Fixed a recent incorrect meme by hondacivic225 in EngineeringStudents

[–]elkfn2 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I bet there were an MEs and EEs too.

You must have been the tool gopher

Fixed a recent incorrect meme by hondacivic225 in EngineeringStudents

[–]elkfn2 1 point2 points  (0 children)

They are also in California

You are not making 100k out of school anywhere else except maybe petroleum in texas

Fixed a recent incorrect meme by hondacivic225 in EngineeringStudents

[–]elkfn2 86 points87 points  (0 children)


IT engineering isn't a thing its just IT and IT isn't engineering

Fixed a recent incorrect meme by hondacivic225 in EngineeringStudents

[–]elkfn2 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Not if the job is boring as hell to some people.

Plus CS money is only higher than engineering in HCOL areas

Literally everywhere else they make similar salaries so it comes down to whether you can handle engineering and if you can't handle the rigor of engineering then pick CS

Fixed a recent incorrect meme by hondacivic225 in EngineeringStudents

[–]elkfn2 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Thats cool and all but that doesn't suddenly make it "engineering"

Plus CS us boring as hell and I'd rather make a little less actually designing physical stuff rather than typing words on a computer 24/7

Yes engineers program but they also design 3d models, build stuff, test stuff.

Fixed a recent incorrect meme by hondacivic225 in EngineeringStudents

[–]elkfn2 -8 points-7 points  (0 children)

It really should be "Three engineers"

IT and software are NOT ENGINEERING

Do you guys think a wheelbarrow could fit in a miata (NA)? by Only_Chick_Who in Miata

[–]elkfn2 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Bro its an empty wheelbarrow and its just a half a mile. That ain't shit even with the hills, I've had to move heavier shit and im a twig. Stop being lazy

Automatic Gear Shifter...? by belligerentbanana69 in Miata

[–]elkfn2 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Lmao there is 0 demand for automatic gear shifters for miatas 💀