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[Middlesbrough] knock Tottenham out of the FA Cup by wildinout2233 in soccer

[–]CaiHaines 893 points894 points  (0 children)

Cant believe that drummer kid from Love Actually just knocked Spurs out of the FA Cup

Russian national team coach Valeri Karpin: My boys had a dream and they lost it. Needless to say, we are disappointed. Of course we expected that the winner of the playoffs would be determined on the pitch. It's a shame for the boys who dreamed of playing in the World Cup and now have lost that hope by GianniRivera10 in soccer

[–]Numerous-Carpenter84 231 points232 points  (0 children)

I took a class in University on the history of sport in the Cold War, and a large part of the class was discussing doping in international sports and sport as a propaganda tool. It's actually a fairly common misconception in the West that Soviet athletes doped at a higher rate than Western athletes. Granted, it's been several years since I took the class, but a cursory look at athletes who had their medals revoked in the Olympics from the 50s onwards shows that although there are Soviet and Russian athletes who were caught doping, there were as many, if not more, from Western States who were caught doping. As an example, in the 1972 Munich games, 7 athletes were caught doping, all from non-Soviet states, and several papers have been written presenting evidence that the West German sports association was involved in covering up doping amongst their athletes.

Part of the reason why the misconception remains that Soviets dope more is likely a combination of propaganda, and the phenomena that peoppe in the West link Russian and Soviet athletes with a closer relationship with their state. When a Russian dopes, it's often presented as 'A Russian athlete was caught doping' whereas in the West, when an American is caught doping' it's often reported as 'Lance Armstrong was caught doping', making people perceive him as more of a maverick off shoot in Sport rather than an indicator of the American sporting team.

Not trying to say that Russian athletes aren't doping, there certainly are a ton who do. But its not totally accurate to assume that it's less common in the West. There's just better PR at work.

[FIFPro] Our thoughts are with the families, friends, and teammates of young Ukrainian footballers Vitalii Sapylo (21) and Dmytro Martynenko (25), football’s first reported losses in this war. May they both rest in peace. by Re-noire in soccer

[–]ElementaLized007 -52 points-51 points  (0 children)

Also what I'm going to say is unrelated to OP and your comment, but this has to be said.

I don't intend to undermine what's happening in Ukraine as it's pretty fucked up and I hope Russia gets fucked (looking at you mr Putin) but this sort of stuff has been happening in Palestine for years, yet no one bats an eye! Again I don't mean to disrespect the Russian-Ukranian situation, but this has to be brought up!

Edit: Keep downvoting me, I don't care. But as long as I made you read, my message has been delivered.

Middlesbrough [1] - 0 Tottenham - Joshua Coburn 107' by PSGAcademy in soccer

[–]Denihati 1840 points1841 points  (0 children)

Spurs fans have stayed on BBC 1 because the news is more positive than Spurs performance tonight

[Quds News] Former Egypt captain Mohamed Aboutrika addressing FIFA: "The decision to suspend Russian clubs and teams from all competitions must be accompanied by a ban on those affiliated with Israel, which has been killing children and women in Palestine for years. You re using double standards." by comproimse in soccer

[–]fatcowxlivee 17 points18 points  (0 children)

Iraq was not innocent. Not sure if you’re old enough to remember how evil your country was.

What a load of whataboutist bullshit this is. How many Kuwaits did the USA have? Where is their punishment?

We paid HEAVY prices with Kuwait in Desert Storm and the near-genocidal sanctions on our countries that citizens STARVED and couldn’t even buy bread for over a decade. THAT was our price that we paid for Kuwait. Furthermore we are still paying for damages and we reached a milestone in paying for what happened just a week or so ago.

So what the fuck does Kuwait have to do in regards to America erasing 100+ years of progress and killing over a million?? Also fucking lol at trying to call our country evil when it was a dictatorship. Duh. Then what can you say about American citizens with a democracy that voted in war criminals like GW Bush? Do I have the right to say that Americans aren’t innocent?

For those who are uninformed about what Iraq’s state has been like since the invasion of Kuwait just at the hands of Americans: - Near genocidal sanctions + no fly zone for over a decade - the bloodiest invasion in history where multiple war crimes were committed by America and their mercenaries like Blackwater. This is documented and not a conspiracy. - Fuelled the basis of our first Civil war - disbanded our Military and made us start from 0, leaving us with a sham of a military - wiped our constitution and replaced it with one that has many blanks not filled in (allowing for unlimited corruption) - installed a secretarian structure of government where it’s been the prime reason our country has done nothing for the past 20 years

And I know I’m missing more but I just woke up. Not to mention the death tolls that are estimated over 1 million, use of banned substances like depleted uranium that kids in fallujah are still suffering birth defects from, setting up the country to be puppetted by Iran as soon as they would leave in 2011, etc

But I guess this is all a fair punishment for invading Kuwait. Because you know, when America or Russia or any other country has attempted an invasion they also received the same equal punishment. Right?

BTW I just want the record to also be clear, Kuwait was not innocent to Iraqi people. Kuwait funded Saddam Hussain heavily during the Iran war and were twerking hard for him. More Iraqis died by Saddam’s forces than Kuwaiti’s did. There is a legit argument to be made that Kuwait’s government funded the government that killed Iraqis the most. Even most of their government officials today admit and apologize for supporting Saddam and how that led to our people suffering. But only Iraqis are bad I guess.

trying to acquire nuclear weapons

IPeople didn’t believe this in 2003, and in 2022 you are still parroting this obvious lie? I can’t believe this has 100+ upvotes.

[Quds News] Former Egypt captain Mohamed Aboutrika addressing FIFA: "The decision to suspend Russian clubs and teams from all competitions must be accompanied by a ban on those affiliated with Israel, which has been killing children and women in Palestine for years. You re using double standards." by comproimse in soccer

[–]naruto2omer 2144 points2145 points 234& 2 more (0 children)

Iraqi here, the fact that US invaded and basically destroyed everything in my country, created a civil war, destabilised us for the unforeseeable future and then went on with their lives ( no repercussions, no penalties, NOTHING) as if nothing happened boils my blood every single fucking time.

They should face the same sanctions as Russia.

But what to do, you're hopeless when your enemy is the judge

Official: FIFA/UEFA suspend Russian clubs and national teams from all competitions by FatherOop in soccer

[–]LetsSeeTheFacts -39 points-38 points  (0 children)

Nothing good about double standards. Americans invade Iraq and were never suspended. Israel doesn't get suspended for bombing Gaza.

Saudi Arabia doesn't get suspended for bombing Yemen

[Mepanews] Turkish football player Aykut Demir refuses to wear a t-shirt with 'No War' written on it :"Every day thousands of civilians killed in the Middle East and they are keep silent. When it comes to Europe they are acting like that." by serduncanthebold in soccer

[–]mikears3349 26 points27 points  (0 children)

Yes, of course Western media will focus on what is closer to them but some of these takes are just unacceptable in my opinion:

This isn't Iraq or Afghanistan...This is a relatively civilized, relatively European city (CBS News)

“It’s very emotional for me because I see European people with blue eyes and blonde hair being killed” - Ukraine’s Deputy Chief Prosecutor, David Sakvarelidze

"They seem so much like us. That is what makes it so shocking... its people watch Netflix and have Instagram accounts (Telegraph opinion piece)

"It's an important question. We’re not talking here about Syrians fleeing...We're talking about Europeans." (BFM TV, France)

Insular or disrespectful at best, racist at worse, but I guess at this point we shouldn't be surprised by anything, we know our place.

[Stan Collymore] We didn't kick American workers out of the UK when the US illegally invaded Iraq, so why would individual Russians be denied the ability to work legally by virtue of where they happened to be born? by vandalisaMMM in soccer

[–]DementationRevised 176 points177 points  (0 children)

Oh fucking spare me.

  1. No one said "America is the only one boycotting the Russians." For fuck's sake, they were talking about the UK kicking out Americans and how it wouldn't have been fair in that context either. Literally no one is talking about any boycott done by Americans. Reading comprehension. Develop some.
  2. The only remotely negative thing said about Americans, that they were involved in the Iraq War, WAS IMMEDIATELY RESPONDED TO WITH A REMINDER THAT THE UK WAS INVOLVED IN THE INVASION TOO.
  3. The only thing more annoying than the "anti-American circle jerk" on reddit is the idiots who think anything putting the United States and a negative statement in the same sentence is the "anti-American circle jerk."
  4. You need a serious fucking reality check if you think Putin speaks on behalf of all Russians everywhere. There are people on the Russian National Football Team who have issued statements in condemnation of the invasion of Ukraine. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2022/02/25/fedor-smolov-russian-soccer-player-condemns-ukraine-invasion/

Sincerely,An American citizen who lives in Texas and doesn't give a fuck about what you think is considered anti-American bias.

Official: FIFA/UEFA suspend Russian clubs and national teams from all competitions by FatherOop in soccer

[–]George-RR-Tolkien 51 points52 points  (0 children)

When is Israel and Saudi Arabia getting banned? Or is this only for dictators who aren't with the west.

Killing brown people ✅
Killing white people ❌

Official: FIFA/UEFA suspend Russian clubs and national teams from all competitions by FatherOop in soccer

[–]kil28 3 points4 points  (0 children)

On average the US have dropped 46 bombs PER DAY for the past 20 years. People are right to call this out.

Either ban all of them or ban none of them.

Dithering Gianni Infantino will be remembered as an enabler and a coward - The Fifa president’s refusal to take decisive action and expel Russia from World Cup is latest stain on governing body by bennzo1238 in soccer

[–]miMinaminoManeMinoMo 92 points93 points  (0 children)

Can someone explain to me why Russia should be expelled but not Saudi Arabia, who is committing even worse atrocities in Yemen? Where is the football world pressuring FIFA over this?

Why no pressure on FIFA to expel Turkey over illegally invading northern Syria and slaughtering Kurds? Same with Israel after their illegal storming of al-Aqsa mosque and their illegal settlements in the West Bank? Why no pressure to expel the worst of them all, the United States, a country that illegally invaded Iraq over a blatant lie, funded the genocide of the Maya people in Guatemala, has openly/covertly committed multiple regime changes in Latin America/Africa, leading to awful hypercapitalist military dictatorships, is currently funding the atrocities in Yemen? Why is the US hosting a world cup?

Again Russia should face punishment (what they're doing to Ukraine is abhorrent) and international scorn but I find the double standards to be absolutely hilarious. Yet again westerners can only see something is bad if some "bad guy" like Russia is doing it to a white country like Ukraine.