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Scariest Story 2019, Most Immersive Story 2019, November 2019
3 hours ago
Bravo Grande!

Our travel agent was right: the views in Canada’s Northwest Territories were worth the hike. Becky, Rob, Sofie, and I followed a touristy path all the way up to Nahanni National Park Reserve but after that, we decided to make a detour downriver. The route was given to us by a Canadian couple we met at a hostel just outside of Uranium City. They promised us we’d be the only people to see the remote trail in a hundred years. If I’d known then where they were sending us, I’d have killed them both on the spot with my bare hands.

Everything was fine this morning. We woke up and started buzzing about the camp like usual. Becky got a fire going while Rob started the coffee. Sofie and I took down our tent, then Becky and Rob’s. We were all finished breakfast and ready to hit the trail thirty minutes after sunrise. Even in early summer, it can get cold in the Northwest Territories. The four of us were fine, though, well provisioned and prepared and experienced.

The terrain in the Nahanni National Park was stunning. Massive red oak and paper birch stretched out into the sky threatening to comb the clouds. Their roots often wove together through the dirt trails, hard tangles that tested our boots and our focus. The Nahanni River ran fast and quiet to the west, the wide water humming with life. There are places where the river dives over rocks; you can hear the falls approaching from far away through the summer silence. We followed the Nahanni into the deep valley that split a sharp, blue-white mountain ridge.

The Nahanni Valley has an off-putting nickname: the Valley of the Headless Men. But we weren’t planning on spending too much time down in the cut. Our local guides had drawn us a map that would supposedly lead us to a remote secondary valley nestled between Nahanni and a neighboring mountain. It was a small but beautiful place full of ice-fed streams and trout and lodgepole pines and soft green fields. Or so the couple in Uranium City told us.

It took us most of the morning to find the start of the “hidden” path that led out from the valley. Rob was the first to notice the trampled brush that marked the start of the side trail. The big guy jumped up like a little kid and let out a whoop.

“Over here, Jimmy,” he shouted at me. “I think I found the Yellow Brick Road.”

Becky giggled and hurried over. Where Rob was a bear of a man, his wife barely broke five feet even in boots. Sofie and I walked towards the trail together. The weather was fine and clear but growing colder in the shadow of the valley. Rob took point leading us up the trail, his long oak walking stick thumping in time to whatever tuneless song he was humming. The path was narrow enough that we had to walk single file. Becky went next, snapping pictures every few minutes as we climbed towards the top of the valley. Finally, Sofie then I brought up the rear.

The temperature continued to drop like a stone in a well as we walked. Long afternoon shadows stretched over and across us, clouds thickening in the sapphire sky until they were so gray and low we could almost reach up to run our fingers through the fibers. We hiked on for about an hour before the strangeness started. Becky and Sofie were debating the best way to build a fire when Sofie stopped in her tracks.

“We’ve passed that tree before,” she said, pointing off trail at a lightning-scarred oak.

The four of us stood still for a moment. The wind was picking up again, causing the trees on either side of the trail to bend.

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Posted by1 day ago
GoldBravo!That SmileHelpful9

I was sitting at home on my computer when I noticed my dog benny staring at me through the window. At first, I shrugged it off figuring he was doing weird dog things, but after a few minutes he hadn’t stopped staring. Feeling uncomfortable I looked around my office to see if there was something weird he was looking at. I couldn't find anything. When I looked out the window again I didn't see him anymore.

Concerned I got up from my desk and headed out the door in the living room into the backyard only to stumble on the doorway and smash my knee against the patio. I had been having a clumsy week already, but this was the worst by far. As I lay groaning in pain I saw Benny staring at me from across the yard.

"Just let me lay here then." I groaned.

I got up and headed inside. After I bandaged my knee I heard my wife's car roll up and I headed out ready to tell her about my weird day. Those thoughts were pushed from my mind as she jumped out of her truck and ran towards me.

"I got a promotion!" She said pulling me into a hug. "I'm the lab director now."

"Holy shit."

I make pretty decent money training managers for a large restaurant chain, but my wife completely puts me to shame. She does classified quantum physics research for the government. A promotion in that field is huge and meant we would likely be able to retire early.

Needless to say, my worries about benny were temporarily forgotten. I opened a wine bottle to celebrate and we ordered food from our favorite place.

After we ate dinner, and the good news had settled in my mind I was reminded of Benny's odd behavior again. He had eaten his food and was now standing in the middle of the kitchen frozen in place. When I asked my wife if something seemed odd about him she told me he seemed fine. I couldn't help but notice how quickly she changed the subject.

Benny continued acting odd for the rest of the night. After I brushed my teeth I looked out of our bedroom and spotted Benny standing motionless at the end of the hall barely illuminated by our bedroom's light.

Posted by15 hours ago
Wholesome (Pro)Wholesome2

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

My name is Amelia. This is the final time that I intend to share my story, and if things go as planned, I hope to live the rest of my life with nothing nearly as interesting happening to me.

I doubt that there was a healthy way to mentally process what happened after the attack on Dr. Mann’s house. Long story short, as far as I could tell, I was not only carrying Grace’s spirit inside myself, but also Jack’s.

It was a stressful time, but there were parts to be thankful for. There was definitely a restful quality to the weeks that followed and I was glad to have the support of Dr. Mann. She had it in her mind that she could help bridge the gap between Grace and I. It was incredible to see her come alive once she realized all of her father’s research was founded in reality, and for lack of a better word she was excited. In just a couple weeks she had absorbed all of his findings, and began adding her own expertise.

“I think we have a way to do this,” said Dr. Mann one day.

“Remind me what you think ‘this’ is?” I asked.

“It all comes down to Grace. What she is, where she came from. There’s nowhere else to look for answers when we know she’s right there.”

We had talked extensively about how Grace and I had talked. Not just talked, but how I had seen her, in that white room of my mind.

Posted by5 hours ago

This took place in the early 1970s Nebraska. In a little bitty town called Dorchester. Not too far outside of Lincoln. My Mom abandoned by her first husband; did her best to raise my two older brothers. My brothers were ages 4 and 7. Times were lean and hard for the little family. With some help from my grandparents, Mom moved into a shabby old house located in town. The house had some history. It belonged to the railroad. Serving as a boarding house for employees and passengers dating back to the 1880s. It fulfilled that role until it fell into disuse. It was eventually made into a rental property.

Mom noticed strange happenings surrounding the family, starting the day they moved in. Small rows of salt neatly poured on all window sills and across all doorways. The family's pet Saint Bernard named Barney refused to enter the house. He stayed outside regardless of the weather or the time of year. To make matters worse, both my brothers uncharacteristically started wetting their beds.

One morning. My brother, age four, played in the living room, yet, he watched a specific section of the wall. Mom noticed he sometimes talked to a particular part of the wall. Mom was cleaning house at the time, so she had one eye on him and the other on washing dishes. Figuring he was using his imagination, shrugging off his behavior. She soon started vacuuming the living room. My brother sat watching Sesame Street on the television. As she swept, she noticed my brother stand up and walk over to the wall he had talked to earlier. He then put both hands on the wall, slowly moving them up and down. He continued talking to the area then broke into tears. Mom shut off the vacuum and asked what he was wrong. She said my brother turned and faced her, his face flushed and wet. Thru his tears, he sobbed, Mommy, there is a sad man in the wall...He's crying, and he wants out... He is there, Mommy, see him! Can you see him?? Help him, Mommy, please help him! Mom quickly snatched up one brother and half dragged the other. She ran the three blocks terrified to my Grandparent's house. My Grandparents finally talked Mom into returning to the home a few days later. A feat that took much convincing, threatening, and reassuring.

In the months after that event, a loud crashing bang sound often emitted from the attic. Mom described the sound as an adult taking a bowling ball and slamming it on the ground as hard as possible. A rolling sound soon followed the loud impact. Every time the sound occurred, it was investigated. Nothing was ever found. This happened both day and night. My grandparents both experienced this on many occasions. When the sound would happen, my grandparents said both my brothers would scream and go into hysterics. Mom felt terrified and trapped. She was bound into a lease and borrowed heavily from my grandparents to make ends meet. She had nowhere to go with two small children and couldn't afford to leave.

Months later, my Dad came into the picture. He eventually moved into the household. It was a damn creepy house, he said on many occasions. He hated living there the minute he moved in. Dad had returned from Vietnam a few years prior and was a combat veteran. Whenever he was in that house, a feeling of being watched with ill intent plagued him. Many nights for him were filled with terrible nightmares about the war. He had never experienced this before moving into the home. Mom said she would often wake up to find him pacing restlessly in the darkness. Other nights she was awoken by the muffled screams of his tormented sleep.

One Sunday evening, the family returned home from grocery shopping. Upon unlocking the front door and entering the home. They found four dead blackbirds in the center of the living room. The birds lined up in a parallel row with their wings spread as if in flight. They each lay on their breasts. Heads and beaks were pointing towards a specific area of the living room wall. Instantly, the atmosphere was pierced by my brothers' sharp shrill screaming cries. My father stood in the entryway. His arms were full of groceries; his mouth gaped open in utter shock by the insanity before him. My Mom immediately turned and crouched to console the boys and shield them from the scene. It happened as she kissed and embraced her boys—a loud bashing sound hammered from the attic above. The windows of the house vibrated from the concussion. Dust slowly drifted down thru the last rays of sunlight. Mom said the utter silence that followed was incredibly unnerving. Then the slow, heavy rolling sound again filled the entire house. My Dad set down the bags of groceries and made his way to the attic, cautiously approaching. Mom continued to hug my brothers. She happened to look past their shoulders onto the large front porch; she saw Barney there. The giant Saint Bernard lay cowered with his tail tightly pulled under him. The dog was unwilling to make eye contact when she called out to him. Instead, the animal shook uncontrollably. She noticed a large wet spot beneath him. Dad came down from the attic a few minutes later. Nothing was ever found, as usual.

This was the breaking point for my family. My Dad decided to sell his vehicle and worked overtime when possible. He paid off the lease at the first opportunity. He moved them all out of the house; they never looked back. My Dad said that once they left that house, they never had any other experiences like that. His terrible nightmares stopped. I traveled to Nebraska with my Dad in 2002, and he showed me the old house, which was abandoned but still standing… Dad grimly joked, saying as we drove by, I wonder if that crying man ever made it out of that wall...

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