
gildings in this subreddit have paid for 12.56 years of server time

Epic vs. Apple Takes a Twist As 35 US States and Department of Justice Weigh in to Back 'Fortnite' Maker by IAmAnAnonymousCoward in apple

[–]Sc0rpza -8 points-7 points  (0 children)

There are other platforms. Just go to android or make your own. It’s just that simple.

[@tim_cook about privacy] “We believe privacy is a fundamental human right, and the best technology is one that people can trust. At Apple, we’re constantly innovating to give our users more control over how their data is used and the choice with whom to share it.” by DimVl in apple

[–]nsfdragApple Cloth 422 points423 points  (0 children)

Wish I could trust them after the whole CSAM thing. I suppose I never should have trusted them in the first place but so many of their actions up until then were in the right direction.

According to Apple's TOS and TOC, they still share your data... So much for privacy.... by AditPlayz57 in apple

[–]igkeit -8 points-7 points  (0 children)

Tbh you shouldn't put more faith into apple's privacy stance. It's basically just marketing

Benchmarks Confirm Intel's Latest Core i9 Chip Outperforms Apple's M1 Max With Several Caveats by Nonweirdo in apple

[–]ggtsu_00 139 points140 points  (0 children)

The ISA absolutely does limit what they can do with available die space.

Every specialized hardware instructions and feature needs die space to exist. While they could move those hardware instructions to microcode, that would also hinder performance - similar to what happens when you run x86 code through Rosetta. Compilers will generate optimized code targeting specific ISAs, so it will try to use as many special purpose instructions where ever it can to maximize performance, but reducing instructions to microcode to free up die space for more power efficient cores puts x86 at a disadvantage.

Apple Maps erects gigantic digital wall to hide Tim Cook's house by billiankell in apple

[–]switch8000 19 points20 points  (0 children)

Use google street view, in the bottom right corner press, "Report a problem". A couple clicks and done.

Shameless ‘Unpacking' Clone is the App Store's Top Download by egocentric-videoKosta Eleftheriou / FlickType in apple

[–]seencoding 49 points50 points  (0 children)

i’m not 100% sure it’s apple’s job to police nuanced stuff like intellectual property violations. cloning software or software features isn’t inherently illegal and it falls into a gray area where it probably needs to be adjudicated in court to determine if anyones rights were actually violated.

like if this is explicitly violating some copyright or trademark then the owner should notify apple, but i don’t think it’s reasonable for apple to have an exhaustive knowledge of all IP in the world and make what are essentially legal interpretations about whether something does or does not violate the rights of some third party.

A List of Articles Explaining That Apple Uses Slave Labor and Child Labor and is Currently Actively Fighting to Continued Access to Slave Labor by Narcaradon-Narcarius in apple

[–]katsumiblisk 132 points133 points  (0 children)

Who picks the fruit you eat? Child and slave labor is more widespread than Apple or Coca Cola alone. Apple was chosen for its headline properties. Everyone is a hypocrite when it comes to this question including you the OP. I don't profess to have an answer to the problem but you're not guilting me about using an iPhone while you continue to live your life on the backs of the products of other slave labor.

iPhone 13 Pink Screen Issue is Caused by a Software Bug, Apple Confirms by One_First in apple

[–]trythiswithme 219 points220 points  (0 children)

Woah this happened to me in the car the other day. It was preceded by my GPS being a few streets off until I power cycled it. During the cycle it pink screened. Been fine ever since.

Why is the Apple News app so bad, with user feedback being overwhelmingly negative? by Productivity_Acc in apple

[–]murphyomyer 1 point2 points  (0 children)

You can! Webpage of the news story > Share > News. Just tested it using an LA Times piece and it still works

Here's how to clean your Apple Polishing Cloth by notabot_123Apple Cloth in apple

[–]walktallMod[M] 90 points91 points  (0 children)

We can release one once we’ve got it polished

Edit: in order to properly acknowledge one of Apple's most successful new product categories, "Polishing Cloth" is now an official r/Apple flair.

ProMotion Now Expected to Remain Exclusive to iPhone 14 Pro Models, Not Expand to Entire Lineup by L0nz in apple

[–]likeaschooldesk 2 points3 points  (0 children)

LCD tuning is a very complicated. Its hard to do. Apple focuses on tuning their displays for a still image, so things that don't move. The calibration of Apple's displays is always top notch. They just don't seem to put in any effort into any other aspect.

Israel police reportedly use Pegasus spyware on country’s own citizens, without warrants by D3VF92 in apple

[–]igkeit 196 points197 points  (0 children)

Not to sound conspiracy-ist but I'm sure it's the case for any country in the world

Israel police reportedly use Pegasus spyware on country’s own citizens, without warrants by D3VF92 in apple

[–]Tyler1492 180 points181 points  (0 children)

2021: "Can you bend over a little more and rub some lotion on? The videos of you in your shower are getting a bit stale."

You know, I actually think it's counter-productive that this is the typical example we use when we talk about privacy violations by governments.

Because chances are most people aren't attractive enough to be worth spying on, in the modern world people are less and less nudity shy, and there's not a lot of use for that information.

The real danger is knowing your location at all times, where you work, where you hang out, who you work with, who you're friends with, your family, your political ideology, what political groups you may be associated with, your private conversations, your buying history, who has given you money...

The kind of stuff that allows governments and corporations to manipulate you and everyone else personally, brainwash the population, squash any opposition before it's even organized, and keep society under their control in ways humanity has never seen before.

That's the real scary shit and the message we should be getting out.

Apple develops update for Safari bug that could allow private data to leak by WhatTheHomePod in apple

[–]igkeit 27 points28 points  (0 children)

It's stuff like that that makes me laugh when people say they choose apple over android because they're privacy and security oriented. They don't care at all, it's just marketing

Bug in Safari 15 leaks your browsing activity in real time by mgoszcz2 in apple

[–]CatVsHumanity 36 points37 points  (0 children)

I just wrote a quick Userscript that removes the function responsible for this leak. It's a workaround and it might break some websites, but it will at least provide protection while there's no patch.

Here's a link to my article explaining how to install it, as well as a download link: https://catto.io/2022/01/fix-indexdb-leak-in-safari-15/

Apple's AR/VR headset could be priced above $2,000, feature M1 Pro-like performance by iMacmatician in apple

[–]Luph 126 points127 points  (0 children)

I don't think there's much merit to any of these pricing rumors. Apple's headset "could" be priced... a billion dollars. It's meaningless speculation.

Also iirc the iPad was also rumored to have a high price tag and then it was substantially lower when they announced it.

Apple reportedly requires employees to get COVID-19 vaccine booster shots by post_break in apple

[–]The32X 1098 points1099 points 2 (0 children)

Good! Do the world a favor and get vaccinated; not only to reduce the risk of getting infected but also to help protect others!

Apple Support says iPhone 13 models don't support Noise Cancellation feature available in previous iPhones by HelloSlowly in apple

[–]testthrowawayzz 21 points22 points  (0 children)

Monterey memory leaks

doesn’t happen to me! So it must be your problem

Removing headphone jack

Apple is moving to the future! All wires headset sucks now!

Soldering RAM and SSD

but PErFormANCe!