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Remind Me! 4 months. Is bitcoin at $9,000

Remind Me! 4 months. Is bitcoin at $9,000

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Remind Me! 4 months. Is bitcoin at $9,000

4 points · 3 days ago · edited 3 days ago

Ghost Island was the first season where I correctly made a winner pick during the first episode, and I can’t think of many things in Survivor that made me as excited as Jeff reading the votes during the final tribal due to a tie.

Not to mention that I like Survivor history, so seeing previous idols come back, seeing the snuffers, the urns of previous losers, not to mention flashbacks to some of my favorite seasons was very fun.

So I stand by my opinion.

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Ghost Island was the most predictable season I can remember. Laurel ruined that season for me, I remember in her confessionals she kept saying multiple episodes in a row "I want to make a big play, I want to flip when the time is right, I want to have a good resume for the final 3" and then she proceeded to hand Dom and Wendell the game and was completely oblivious to why the jury would see her as someone who never made a big play.

1.0k points · 7 days ago

Raise your hand if you had MSU, Texas Tech, UVA, and Auburn in the Final Four. Now put your hands down you liars

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I got MSU and Virginia right, now all I need is MSU to win the championship and i'll win a 50 person pool! lets go Spartans!

0 points · 9 days ago

Currently holding a pretty heavy trst bag trying to swing the earnings. I actually like this company long term, but I feel like I'd be better off taking the loss now and waiting for a lower re entry. Thoughts?

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I sold and i'm waiting for the 4 hour bear volume to decrease before i re enter

Does anyone know which brokers allow day trading margin for canadian MJ for US tickers? Etrade doesn't let anyone use margin except for on the MJ ETF.

welp, all these stocks are shitting themselves

7 points · 17 days ago

If we were to ask everyone "Had you simply held, would you have more money at this time?" we would get a resounding amount of "yes".

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I disagree. Having been here since the Jan 2018 hype and August-October hype cycles I’m very glad I sold at signs of weakness and re bought lower. I feel like it helps manage my risk to reward tolerance

Again, anecdotal.. You aren't seeing the bigger picture.

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to each their own. I just never wanna be bag holding through a weedcession.

I'm not happy about this either. But I'll try to be the devil's advocate to make us all feel better. Jabrill Peppers was a 1st round pick in 2017 and is shaping up to be pretty good. He can play safety and return punts. We also will save a lot of money on OBJ's 5 year 90 mil contract ending in 2024. Furthermore, we could pick a gem with the 17th overall pick or 3rd round pick (hopefully a good lineman!)

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