
Hell terraforming by bentenjamin in AbruptChaos

[–]Corrupt_Reverend 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I'm thinking they're extruding. Those look like dies on the floor.

On-Screen Markers by [deleted] in empyriongame

[–]Corrupt_Reverend 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You want a method that's easier than pressing one key?

Why Are We Still Governed by Baby Boomers and the Remarkably Old? by steve-eldridge in politics

[–]Corrupt_Reverend 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I would chip into a life-long GoFundMe style pension for any pharmacist who leaks a list of policy makers taking drugs to treat alzheimers.

Why Are We Still Governed by Baby Boomers and the Remarkably Old? by steve-eldridge in politics

[–]Corrupt_Reverend 2 points3 points  (0 children)






mental activity.

"the highest levels of human mentation"

Thanks for the new word! 😁

Workshop SV -> Forbidden block by Gobolino in empyriongame

[–]Corrupt_Reverend 1 point2 points  (0 children)

This here is the answer. Then you'll be able to remove the offending part.

Just be warned: prefabinfo is super picky about bp names. Caps sensitive, and sometimes it won't recognize a name because of spaces.. or characters? I don't know exactly. It's a pita.

Wow, I seem to be trapped. Help needed. by GlupiiGoose in empyriongame

[–]Corrupt_Reverend 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You can give yourself rep with any faction with the console

Mod for more decorations? by daren5393 in empyriongame

[–]Corrupt_Reverend 2 points3 points  (0 children)

And an entire new family of block shapes nested in the 3x1 ramps.

How to preserve pencil marks on door jambs by LanternSenpai in DIY

[–]Corrupt_Reverend 1 point2 points  (0 children)

I know it's nat answering your question, but I'll go full Henry Jones and tell ya "let it go, Indy."

Your memories of standing as straight as possible while your adult marks a line aren't contingent upon the door jamb. You've got that memory, and no amount of paint can obfuscate it.

Instead, your lateral progression will be preserved under a brand new canvas for another tiny human to stand against and stretch their stretchiest to try to hit that next inch.

The closest anything comes to "forever" is in memory, and even they fade with the people most effected by them.

Pod/Module Docking Wierdness by HalikarQ in empyriongame

[–]Corrupt_Reverend 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Hmm, that's a new one for me. It's acting like when a destroyed hostile vessel is drifting.

I’m planing on picking this game up, but my internet is really horrendous. How much am I missing out on multiplayer? Can I play the game offline to begin with? by Jonathan-Earl in empyriongame

[–]Corrupt_Reverend 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Since you asked and nobody's mentioned yet; yes, you'll need internet to play.

I don't know why, but I can't start the game when my internet is down. Once it's running, I can disconnect and it's fine. But for some reason, it won't start without net access.

Kind of annoying as internet outage is pretty common out here in the sticks. More than once, I've had to tether my phone to get the game going.

Another plea for more automation by lallapalalable in empyriongame

[–]Corrupt_Reverend 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Autominers themselves are actually a poor investment of your time, they require returning to retrieve, and there are much faster ways to get the same resources that are not boring and also yield other/more resources simultaneously, mainly combat.

I like autominers because they don't deplete the ore. So even if they're slow, I can always rely on it for that particular resource. Usually hit them on my way back to base from exploration/missions. A small transporter base and a transportation armor booster can also make them very handy.

Cmv: It is not Morally Justified to Force Omnivore Animals in Nature to be Vegan, thus we should also not impose veganism on humans by canadian12371 in changemyview

[–]Corrupt_Reverend 1 point2 points  (0 children)

You seem to be using the biologic ability to gain energy from plants as the litmus for whether an animal can subsist on just plants.

Omnivores in nature are opportunistic. They eat meat because that's what they need to survive. It comes down to availability. I don't have hard numbers, but I highly doubt that all omnivorous animals could subsist on just plant based foods. If (big if) the food was even available, it would take them a whole lot more time to meet their caloric needs.

Many humans don't have this problem. You can go to the supermarket and fill your cart with enough plant-based foods to be healthy for as long as you like. We no longer have a need for meat or animal products.

That said, nobody should be forced into any diet. Though I do think we need to take a look at the artificially low price of meat and maybe think about cutting back on those subsidies. But that's a different conversation.

What’s film is so brutal to watch you had to stop watching it? by Elixir_Jx in AskReddit

[–]Corrupt_Reverend 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Made it through both (and have rewatched them), but Tusk, and Boxing Helena both are the precise type of story that will make me super uncomfortable for a few days.

I think it's the total loss of agency of the characters that does it. Like, they're both ridiculous, but the idea behind them fucks with me.

Bought land in Costa Rica, next steps are to build a tiny house! by Dominosismycrack in TinyHouses

[–]Corrupt_Reverend 2 points3 points  (0 children)

Also not great at mathing, but I'm getting $6.60/ft2

Edit, apparently not great at reading either. You were asking about m2 to ft2. Got it now.

It's 4843.76 ft2