
Don't worry, there was no fraud because the democrats said so by jesuisnu50 in conservatives

[–]Tularemia 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Republicans lost the popular vote in 2 of the 3 Presidential elections they have won since 2000. I think the electoral college is already doing enough work for the GOP.

Eric and Bret Weinstein are just intellectual charlatans, right? by Tularemia in samharris

[–]Tularemia[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

You used the words “plandemic”, “awakened”, and “narrative” in the same comment, so I’m going to guess you either use too many illicit drugs or not enough prescription drugs.

Long Covid patients, in search of relief, turn to private company by bahhamburger in medicine

[–]Tularemia 95 points96 points  (0 children)

It’s a law of the medical universe that for every common set of vague symptoms, there is a snake oil-peddling charlatan lying in wait to turn a profit.

People of color struggle to find someone who can properly cut their hair in small town Iowa by Iowa_Hawkeye in Iowa

[–]Tularemia 10 points11 points  (0 children)

Edit: love how /r/Iowa simps for minorities with upboats and internet comments, but when a solution is provided it's controversial. That's called virtue signaling.

It’s not virtue signaling to point out how stupid your binary “solution” to this problem is. Saying “there is too much regulation so we should stop all regulation” is not helpful. It’s true, there is probably an excessive amount of training and licensing to cut hair, but regulation is still important for public health.

base jump from building by Puzzleheaded-East281 in SweatyPalms

[–]Tularemia 17 points18 points  (0 children)

Lakitu is right above him the whole time.

Some Friday culture. “The Course of Empire” is a series of five paintings created by American painter Thomas Cole in the years 1833–1836. The five works are The Savage State; The Arcadian or Pastoral State; The Consummation of Empire; Destruction; and Desolation. by Tularemia in collapse

[–]Tularemia[S] 67 points68 points  (0 children)

I met a traveller from an antique land Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand, Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed: And on the pedestal these words appear: "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings; Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away."

— Percy Shelley, Ozymandias, 1818

Some Friday culture. “The Course of Empire” is a series of five paintings created by American painter Thomas Cole in the years 1833–1836. The five works are The Savage State; The Arcadian or Pastoral State; The Consummation of Empire; Destruction; and Desolation. by Tularemia in collapse

[–]Tularemia[S] 56 points57 points  (0 children)

I love this commentary about the paintings on Wikipedia:

This cycle reflects Cole's pessimism, and is often seen as a commentary on Andrew Jackson and the Democratic Party. (Note, for instance, the military hero at the center of "Consummation.") However, some Democrats had a different theory of the course of empire. They saw not a spiral or cycle but a continuing upward trajectory. Levi Woodbury, a Democrat and a justice of the United States Supreme Court, for instance, responded to Cole by saying that there would be no destruction in the United States

Here is a Wikipedia source if you want more information about the paintings, or if you would like high-res copies for download.

Edit: I fixed the link. Edit 2: When I fix the link on mobile, it breaks on desktop. When I fix it on desktop, it breaks on mobile. Sounds like Reddit.

The Untold Story of John Carter, Disney's $307M Bomb by Sisiwakanamaru in movies

[–]Tularemia -1 points0 points  (0 children)

I disagree. No 12-25 year old male would be caught dead buying a ticket to a movie with “Princess” in the name.

Stream 608 - The World's Mack (3/7/22) by Chapo Trap House by Arkovia in leftpodcasts

[–]Tularemia 11 points12 points  (0 children)

Lots of good rants and actual enthusiasm this episode, felt like a nice return to form after a questionable couple of episodes.

I agree with the boys that it is bullshit that any reference to America’s very recent and current similar misdeeds is viewed as pro-Russian whataboutism. But I do worry the boys (particularly Will) are at least occasionally flirting with actual whataboutism though, since there are several insinuations that we are in no place to judge. Of course we can judge. We can judge our own actions while also judging Putin’s actions. It is a coherent worldview to deeply condemn Putin’s actions inflicting death and suffering against Ukrainian civilians while also wishing American citizens/politicians/media gave literally any shits about all the death and suffering America has inflicted on hundreds of thousands of (nonwhite) civilians across the Middle East. Arguing that America also does these things doesn’t need to downplay the horror of Russia doing these things.

New Data Show the Exodus From Public Schools Is Continuing. It’s not just families fleeing district schools for other options. Teachers are leaving too. by 0ldManFrank in Libertarian

[–]Tularemia 15 points16 points  (0 children)

The irony of this being posted on r/libertarian as a justification for private education seems lost on many people in this thread. Public schools generally need more tax dollar funding. Libertarian philosophy on taxes is why public schools are failing.

On a note of likely consensus, I imagine libertarians generally hate the way Republicans have managed to find the worst of all possible worlds by proposing to use my tax dollars to fund “school choice vouchers” so kids can learn from their private school science teacher that the earth was created in 6 days.

President Biden says bankrupt cancer patients must continue making student debt payments by lrlOurPresident in MurderedByAOC

[–]Tularemia 6 points7 points  (0 children)

But the problem is, he’s still not Trump. That matters. This shit is heinous, but Betsy DeVos literally wasn’t processing any loan forgiveness claims and wanted private school vouchers.

It’s a tough balance because you know this is bad and I know this is bad, but if everyone on the left just shits all over Biden then low information moron voters will just do their usual “see it’s the same, I’ll vote for Trump in 2024” and then we’re all super fucked.

Two-party systems are a motherfucker.

What is something that's considered normal today but is actually a successful propaganda made by corporations? by [deleted] in AskReddit

[–]Tularemia 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Clover also is very important for honeybees. Honey you buy at a store is a mix of honey made with pollen from various plants, but most of the flavor you recognize on honey is from clover.

Low vitamin D levels increase the risk of serious COVID-19 by a factor of 14 by DrugLordoftheRings in science

[–]Tularemia 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Obesity, and chronic disease in general, and dark skin (which itself is correlated with higher rates of chronic disease and socioeconomic disparity).

This doesn’t mean taking vitamin D supplement inherently helps people not die from COVID.

Why did 3 out of 4 House Republicans vote against expanding health care to Veterans? by Iowaaspie66 in Iowa

[–]Tularemia 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Miller-Meeks argued that she voted “no” because there was a similar bill which already passed the senate which they should have voted on instead. Of course, that bill was very limited in terms of funding and actual support it would give veterans, but that was the argument.

But don’t worry, she (and Hinson, and probably Feenstra) all tweeted “Happy National Anthem Day!” yesterday after their “No” votes.

Kim Reynolds denies pandemic funding to key essential school staff by limitedftogive in Iowa

[–]Tularemia 14 points15 points  (0 children)

She’s going to win re-election. She has like a 60% approval rating, and that was after her bad policies got 1 in every 350 Iowans killed by COVID, and before she signed a tax cut. The Iowa Democratic Party is painfully disorganized (remember how badly they fucked up the 2020 caucus?) and there is zero hype for any challengers. Nobody has any clue who Deidre DeJear is, I know who Deidre DeJear is and yet I have still heard absolutely nothing about her or her policies, at this point it’s too late to build hype, and this state is too racist to elect a black woman as governor anyway.

The state is lost. Either she gets appointed to a cabinet position when the Dems manage to blow the 2024 Presidential election, or those of us who don’t want to live in a mix between the worst parts of Kansas and Florida need to just move out of state.