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Posted by7 hours ago

tl;dr I FARTED! I dreamed about writing this and I finally CAN DO so. I FARTED in front of my SO!!!

Longer story:

The title sounds a bit weird, I know, but bear with me.

For as long as I could remember, I was shit-scared of releasing a fart that could be HEARD by my SO. Mind you, since I was 18, I've always been involved in relationships, which means that, for most of the time, I'd be bloated as fuck as I literally COULD NOT go to toilet.

This also meant that every sleepover and any travel was partly a nightmare, honestly. Just by knowing that I couldn't fart, made me want to fart even more, eventually resulting in myself feeling bloated and having my stomach hurt on EVERY GOD DAMN TRIP WE WOULD TAKE.

And if my GF would come for a sleepover? Hell, I'd try farting in advance but this, coincidentally, makes you even more bloated (so take my advice and DON'T DO IT! You will regret it!).

Eventually it came to a point where I literally spent sleepless nights, sitting on the toilet and literally crying myself in pain. I couldn't release that fart because I was afraid my SO would hear.

I kid you not but there were times when I was literally DREAMING of a moment when i would be able to come to Reddit and write this exact post! Titled - "I FARTED!".

Now, I'd like to tell you AND THEN I just did this one thing which you can also do if you buy my "how I farted" ebook, now on sale for $2.99, but no ... It took me around 15 years to finally get courage to release that daemon in front of my GF. And to be able to write this Reddit post :)

As luck would have it, being able to actually DO this in front of this one person, made her even more special to me, to the point that I realized that THIS is the person I want to have kids with (I never wanted to have kids before). Lo and behold, she's 39 weeks pregnant and I can't be happier - both for her and for being able to FART in front of her!

Posted by6 hours ago

My Friend is cutting ties with me, Please help me on what to do

Im a 17 year old senior highschool student. Because I'm an introvert, I only have a few friends, one of which is Charlie. He was the first person I became friends with back when I was a freshman.

I used to like girls a lot, but as time went on, I began to like Charlie more and more, eventually succumbing to his attractions, which is when I realized I was gay. I'm trying my hardest to hide the fact that I was into him, but I can't help myself from behaving suspiciously around him.

I once saw him watching a BoysLove series, and seeing him watch a boy-to-boy love drama gave me the guts to ask him out, presuming he was also into boys, but I never got the chance because he was too preoccupied with schoolwork. I supported him to achieve high academic standards, and?our?school?offered?him an opportunity to be a student?at?a?fine?institution. The school transferred him in?the blink of an?eye,?leaving me?behind. Even though he knows?he won't?do much business with?me, we kept in touch, and?I'm?grateful?for?that.

We haven't seen each other in two years, despite the fact that I still like him. We're still in touch, and I confessed to him in a message I sent him on the new year of 2020. I told him how much I liked him, but he politely declined. He expressed his desire for the two of us to be friends, and I accepted while adjusting my feelings. When he discovers my secret, we become closer. I acknowledge that not all of my feelings for him faded, but I'll never express it again to him because I've grown to appreciate our current relationship and don't want it to alter.

I video called him on Valentine's Day this year, telling him that I once spotted him watching BL series and asked him if he was gay, but he just remained silent, without answering my question. After a brief moment of silence, he became enraged and disconnected my call. I attempted to call again and ask as to why he became angry and what I had done wrong. But he never respond to my calls or messages anymore.

Until now, I haven't been able to talk or contact him. I'm starting to think that hes cutting ties with me even though I never know what have been the problem.

I never know what have I done wrong, please help me what to do

Posted by5 hours ago

Hello, I would like to mention that I'm living in this shit African place so things will be different than in modern countries... (ex: living with your parents until age 28-29 is a normal occurrence here and yes, that's how fucked up we are)

I'm an 18 year old boy living in Algeria, a third world place as you would imagine. My parents have always been toxic. They never loved each other. Growing up I had to bear with my older brother that is my sisters, hundreds of constant arguments between my parents, some of them were VERY violent verbally and a couple of them even physically.

Finally, after 18 fucking years of mentally tormenting their children that they decided to divorce after my mother found out he's cheating with another woman (he confessed to it).

Note that moving out alone isn't an option since it's a shit country and everyone is fucking poor (we're much less poorer compared to the general population). I'm very aware that my mother in the last argument isn't at fault, But she was and still is very fucking toxic, as I grew up I hated her more and more. Now if I had to choose her, that would mean sacrificing my academic career and go live with her parents in and even worse less developed city.

And if I don't, that means I'm going to pick my piece of shit cheater father, but that would mean saving my academic year and being way more financially stable, but I'm not sure how I would feel about living with him knowing that he's a scumbag, thankfully he never was abusive and always showed at least some kind of love as opposed to my mother. Another reason I'm sceptical about this is leaving my siblings behind since my youngest sisters would probably be brainwashed and forced to live with mom, I feel so bad for them that I want to cry endlessly... my brother did choose to not leave mom behind. I wish I didn't have to go through this hell of a life.

Please help me, is it correct that I choose my father over my mother mainly because of money and career, even though he's a cheater?


Hi everyone, this is a really stressful time of my life for me so please no judging. And English isnt my first language so bare with me please.

So I (29F) met my husband (29M) in 2014, get married in 2017 and lived together after the wedding. I am the youngest of 6 siblings, my parents are a bit older and my family is very traditional and religious. My husband parents are a lot younger than mine, seemed more open minded and a lot less traditional. My wedding started a lot of problems with my family since it wasn't traditional and very low-key, so the feud kept going for almost a year and it ended to the point that I had to cut them of my life (except my parents), go to therapy for 8 months, and move to Japan to restore my sanity.

In 2020 we got back from Japan, and I got pregnant. Everyone was happy, especially my parents and in laws. Since I had a great relationship with them and we live a 5 min from each other (and my parents live 300 miles away) I was happy I had them to be present for us and be there in case something went wrong. They bought presents for the baby and we visited as often as we could so they could enjoy the pregnancy as well. But everything started to fall apart, because one day out of the blue, my MIL commented on my weight (I'm a size 8) and said it was dangerous for the baby to be overweight, I came home silent and started crying, husband questioned me and I told him what MIL said and then told her to stop commenting on my weight since I was healthy and the doctors said everything was fine. So after a long and quite hard pregnancy I was induced a 41 weeks +3 days, and after 69 hours of painful and stressful labor, our baby was here. Our hospital forbid visitation and we told family that we were happy with that so we could use that time to bond as a family. 5 hours after delivery MIL barged in the room to see "her baby". I found this a little bit odd but since its her first grandchild, I didn't think of it. 3 days after they let me go home and we told the day she came to the hospital that we will visit her before going home so she could see the baby but after a big tear down there and the fatigue I just wanted to go home so we went home and I slept 2 hours and then after we went to MIL, she stayed in her room angry because she was waiting for us and we were late. After this she acted very territorial with the baby, refused to come at our house, we had to come see her, she asked if she could take the baby home with her (at two weeks old) so she could have some alone time with him, calling him my baby or my son to her coworkers... I started to be a little bit scared of her behavior, I don't know if it was the baby blues or something but I started to be more and more quiet, and be more protective of my baby. Fast forward 2022 we move again to another country and, I got pregnant again (big surprise) she acted surprised but overall happy. Last week my husband made his weekly call to his parents and they saw me passing by and MIL said " Oh hey Lisa (fake name), you never say hi when we're on the phone" and I replied " Hi, how are you? Neither do you, I'm always here and you never ask about me but no big deal" some more small talk and that it. The day after that she called husband and said that I was disrespectful and I had to call her to apologize. My husband tells me and I called her to end this sh#t once and for all. She picks up and starts yelling that I was disrespectful, that she was the MIL, that when I was at her house I never lift a finger, that I changed since I had the baby that I was just cordial and that's it. So I told her what was on my heart, that the pregnancy and delivery was a traumatic experience, that the baby blues hit me hard and I was very emotional but I Tom's her about her behavior and stuff and told her that I was hoping her to be there for us after delivery because I was fragile and sad and hurt and I was sorry if I hurt her in any way. She brushed everything off and blamed everything on my "erratic emotions" that she didn't do anything wrong that basically everything was wrong because of me. That I wasn't disabled, everyone has kids and figure it out and that she wasn't my mother and she didn't have to do anything for us at all. And since we are moving back to our home country we were supposed to stay with them while we are waiting for the apartment and told me that she can't cook for all this people and after one week, even if our apartment wasn't ready she wanted us out (not her son just me and my kid) so I hang up and started to cry and shake as she really hurt me with her words and told my husband that I couldn't take it anymore and I will stay with my sister and if she complain about not seeing her grandchild, I didn't care anymore. My husband have to go there for work since its close and told him that I don't want him to be in trouble with his family and didn't mind. Two day after the phone call I woke up with blood everywhere on my pants and got scared, we went to the er and they told my that the amniotic sac detached from my uterus, and it was cause by stress or traumatic episode. We both know that was caused by the phone call and my husband texted them to tell them what happened and also to be more empathetic and kind with their words since it could've been a tragic experience. They got angry with him for blaming them, they still didn't apologize for anything and called my husband AH. Husband told me since they didn't want to rise above and show some remorse they never will, even SIL got involved.

So AITA for not wanting a relationship with them anymore?

1 comment
Posted by2 hours ago

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