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Latest news from American Atheists

Read more about our legal victories, public policy positions, and blog posts from American Atheists staff.

American Atheists’ Statement on Retirement of Justice Breyer

Washington, DC—In response to the announcement that United States Supreme Court Associate Justice Stephen Breyer will retire at the end of this year’s term, Nick Fish, president of American Atheists,…

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New Report Forecasts Christian Nationalist Movement’s Strategic Actions in 2022

Washington D.C.—Today, the religious equality watchdog American Atheists sounded the alarm on Christian nationalists’ likely strategy for 2022. This warning draws on the large body of research and trends published…

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Supreme Court Could Make the Protestant Flag a Common Sight at Government Buildings Across the Country

Washington, D.C.—American Atheists has joined Americans United for Separation of Church and State in filing an amicus brief in the Supreme Court case Shurtleff v. Boston. The organizations urge the…

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American Atheists Calls on New International Religious Freedom Ambassador to Protect Nonreligious Communities from Persecution

On December 17, the Senate confirmed Rashad Hussain as Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom. Hussain previously held several high-level positions in the U.S. government, including serving as the Special Envoy…

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Thanks in part to the work of American Atheists, the number of atheists in the United States continues to grow and attitudes toward atheists are shifting. However, misconceptions about atheists still exist and members of our community still face discrimination at home, work, and school.

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