Showing posts with label Borough & Bankside ward. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Borough & Bankside ward. Show all posts

Friday, May 04, 2018

Borough and Bankside result

Here it is, declared at 4.15 this morning:

LibDem 1258
LibDem 1257
LibDem 1197
Lab 746
Lab 739
Lab 693
Con 207
Con 201
Con 180
Green 158
Green 147
Green 122
Womens Equality Party 118
Parkin (Socialist) 27

In view of the smaller electorate and lower turnout 27 votes here is a larger percentage than 28 in Barnes.

For the record, the TUSC candidate in North Bermondsey got 62 votes so, despite their pretensions, they are still playing in the same league as us.

Friday, April 27, 2018

The case not the face

Here is the article and photo from yesterday's Southwark News mentioned in the last blog:

By contrast, today's local Richmond paper, The Richmond & Twickenham Times (which has become a real rag compared with what it used to be), has nothing whatsoever on the elections. When they mentioned them a couple of weeks ago they got their facts wrong and had to publish a correction last week (they said there were no Labour councillors in Richmond whereas there were two, defections from the LibDems to Corbyn, though it's true there won't be any after next week).

Thursday, April 26, 2018

More hustings

Southwark seems to be the place. Last Thursday our candidate, Kevin Parkin, attended a hustings organised by the Bankside Residents Forum. He reports that it was an acrimonious meeting with the Labourites and LibDems playing the blame game about housing. He was able to make the point that in a capitalist society houses are built for profit not social use, hence the problems. On Monday morning this week there was another hustings, organised by the Southwark Pensioners Action Group. Our candidates always get a good reception at such meetings; quite a few leaflets handed out.

Today's Southwark News has photos of all the candidates, including ours standing next to our logo (a compromise between competing points of view in our party between those who say we should supply a photo when asked and those who say we should only send a logo -- in Lambeth we used to provide a photo of Danny Lambert speaking off our platform with the website address showing). Also, a short statement of what we stand for: a society of common ownership, democratic control, production to satisfy people's needs not for profit, and the principle "from each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs".

No report of hustings in Islington or Richmond. Leafletting has continued in both places. In fact whole of Barnes ward except for some mansions (and blocks of flats you can't get into) has now been leafletted. 400 of the 3000 ordered left over but branch members should be able to distribute more at the street stall in Barnes (Church Road) on Saturday from 12 noon to 2pm.