Wonkette Weekend Live Chat Sets Your Clocks Ahead An Extra Hour This Year

Hey, did you remember to spring forward, even though it’s not technically spring yet? Fine, you want your “longer” days, so you’ll have them. Don’t worry about certain people from Portland, Oregon, who work for a blog that posts on east coast time. I get up and make the donuts at 4:30 a.m. Mondays through Wednesdays, and just as sunrise was coming sooner — blam, it’s an hour later again.

Robyn and I will shrug off our lost hour of sleep and toast to spring starting at 12:00 pm pacific and 3:00 pm eastern. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe! Also, we’ll happily respond to any questions or comments you drop in the YouTube chat itself, as long as it’s not creepy. But you aren’t creepy people.

Oh, and the Alice in Wonderland-themed play I co-wrote for Seattle's Cafe Nordo is returning due to popular demand. Down the Rabbit Hole: A Karaoke Cabaret begins its encore run April 1. There’s even more musical numbers, immersive art installations, and audience karaoke opportunities. This is absolutely what you need in your life right now.


Follow Stephen Robinson on Twitter.

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North Idaho GOP's Batsh*t Plan: Take Over Local Democratic Party, Steal Donations, ?????, PROFIT

As we keep documenting in this little mommyblog, Idaho Republicans are a special kind of crazy. Lacking the national influence of a Florida or a Texas, Idaho punches well above its weight in pure rightwing batshittery. But for the purest distillation of rightwing Idaho crazy, you need to travel to the panhandle, up north, where plenty of folks are looking forward to a nice civil war, or at least fining anyone who doesn't own a gun.

And now it seems the Republicans in Kootenai County, which includes the area's largest city, Coeur d'Alene, have been scheming to infiltrate and take over the local Democratic Party so they can install a repulsive antisemitic agitator as party chair, redirect Democratic political donations to rightwing causes, and generally brag about how clever they are.

Even more bizarrely, the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee (KCRCC, which is one letter too many to be a radio station) might just manage to pull it off, although local Democrats are mobilizing to head that off.

Read More:

Hey Idaho Librarians, YOU'RE IN JAIL!

Idaho House Passes Very Sane Bill: Life In Prison For Giving Medical Treatment To Trans Teens

North Idaho Has A New Wingnut News Source, And It's A Doozy

Totally Normal Idaho GOP Dude Says Why Don't We Register People Who DON'T Have Guns, HUH?

Local GOP Proudly Endorses Sweaty Anti-Semite For Post Falls, Idaho School Board

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Yes, We're Gonna Talk About Kim Kardashian. Also About Labor.

While Kim Kardashian has inspired many eyerolls throughout her life, she has really engendered some goodwill within these last few years. There's been a lot of empathy for her given that the situation with Kanye West could not have been and likely is still not easy, and the fact that she has been using her fame to push for prison-reform and for getting people out of prison is certainly something to be commended.

The way she riles up the "Help! Police! There's a woman I don't like out there getting attention and I don't think she deserves it!!" people is also fairly entertaining and ever so helpful for outing undercover misogynists of all genders. To that end, it was actually pretty cool to see someone who has always been treated like a joke have an impact in the way she was having with her prison reform advocacy.

Alas, the "advice for women in business" she gave during an interview with Variety this week was far less helpful.

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Republicans Gear Up For Bullsh*t Attacks On Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson. Media Gears Up To Help Them.

Politics ain't beanbag, and DC is a filthy swamp. These are immovable and unchanging truths, and reporters at the Washington bloody Post know them perfectly well. And yet in this, the year 2022, they are still pretending that the GOP's blatantly bad faith attacks on Supreme Court nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson might actually be rooted in concern about her qualifications. As if this wasn't a transparent exercise in goalpost shifting and dogwhistling as the first Black woman ascends to our nation's highest court.

Just look at this bullshit from this morning about the GOP's very serious (haha, fuck you) concerns about Judge Jackson's ties to Harvard University:

Several GOP lawmakers on the Senate Judiciary Committee who have begun to scrutinize Jackson’s record ahead of this month’s confirmation hearings said they intend to seek a direct explanation about the judge’s position on her alma mater’s governing board. Some contend the case examining Harvard’s admissions policies would present an early test of Jackson’s judicial ethics if she is confirmed.

REALLY? We're going to treat this like a legit discussion about judicial ethics?

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Wonkette Weekend Live Chat Sets Your Clocks Ahead An Extra Hour This Year

We love screwing with time!

Hey, did you remember to spring forward, even though it’s not technically spring yet? Fine, you want your “longer” days, so you’ll have them. Don’t worry about certain people from Portland, Oregon, who work for a blog that posts on east coast time. I get up and make the donuts at 4:30 a.m. Mondays through Wednesdays, and just as sunrise was coming sooner — blam, it’s an hour later again.

Robyn and I will shrug off our lost hour of sleep and toast to spring starting at 12:00 pm pacific and 3:00 pm eastern. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe! Also, we’ll happily respond to any questions or comments you drop in the YouTube chat itself, as long as it’s not creepy. But you aren’t creepy people.

Oh, and the Alice in Wonderland-themed play I co-wrote for Seattle's Cafe Nordo is returning due to popular demand. Down the Rabbit Hole: A Karaoke Cabaret begins its encore run April 1. There’s even more musical numbers, immersive art installations, and audience karaoke opportunities. This is absolutely what you need in your life right now.


Follow Stephen Robinson on Twitter.

Do your Amazon shopping through this link, because reasons.

Yr Wonkette is 100 percent ad-free and entirely supported by reader donations. That's you! Please click the clickie, if you are able.

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Criminal Justice System

Florida GOP Loves Bad Fentanyl Test Strip Ban More Than Lives Of Spring Breakers

Because harm reduction would just be silly.

On Thursday, six students on spring break in Florida were hospitalized after overdosing on what is being described as "a powder possibly laced with Fentanyl." Four of them have been identified as West Point cadets, one of whom is an Army football player. They're pretty lucky they survived, given that the drug is currently the leading cause of death of Americans age 18 to 45, superseding even COVID-19 over the past two years: 79,000 have died of Fentanyl-related overdoses, while 53,000 have died of COVID-19.

The day after this incident, the Florida House voted against decriminalizing Fentanyl test strips — which, unlike the "powder" consumed by these students, do not in fact contain Fentanyl. They just test for it.

The Democrats in the legislature have been pushing to decriminalize these life-saving test strips since the beginning of the year.

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I Don't Know Who Needs To Hear This, But No One Is Teaching Kindergarteners About F*cking

Apparently it is a lot of people.

This past week, as we all know by now, the Florida Senate approved the controversial "Don't Say Gay" bill. It's bad. It's very, very bad, and it will hurt people. It will hurt children.

Unfortunately, the Right has managed to attempt to turn this into a discussion about "sexualizing" children. This morning, noted D-list celebrity jackass Adam Baldwin was trending on Twitter after tweeting "Things 'Pedophile Groomers' say for $200, Mayim?" on a tweet criticizing Bill Maher (and Frank Bruni) for being an absolute idiot about the "Don't Say Gay" bill.

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