These Photos From The Munich Shootings Are Totally Fake

A BuzzFeed News roundup of fake photos circulating in the wake of the shootings at a Munich shopping mall.

1. People are sharing this photo and saying it shows some of the victims of the shootings in Munich. But it's actually from South Africa.

The photo was first published in 2015 after an attack in South Africa.

2. Some are sharing this man's photo and identifying him as someone named Samuel Hydberg who is the shooter. That is not his name, and he is not a suspect in Munich.

He is an American comedian named Sam Hyde and every time there is a mass shooting trolls on Twitter share his photo and say he is the culprit. It happened during the San Bernadino shootings:

And during the Oregon shooting.

People are now trying to fool news organizations into using photos of Hyde.

3. This photo allegedly shows showing people lying on the ground in Munich.

It's actually is from a police training in Manchester, England.

4. This photo is allegedly an aerial view of the Munich shooter.

But a closer inspection shows once again it's a photo of comedian Sam Hyde.

5. People are sharing this photo and claiming that it shows a shooter.

The photo is from April, as shown by this report from Bild, a German newspaper:

6. This photo of crime scene technicians was one in a series of images shared by a Twitter user in a tweet about Munich.

The photo is from Munich — but it was taken in May, after a man armed with a knife killed one person and injured three others.

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