Paul Nehlen Calls Antifa Paul Ryan’s ‘Foot Soldiers’ On InfoWars

Congressional candidate Paul Nehlen, the anti-immigrant extremist who unsuccessfully challenged Speaker Paul Ryan for his seat last year, is back to try his luck in the 2018 midterm elections. Last year the Wisconsin businessman made an appearance on The Right Stuff’s Fash the Nation podcast, where he joined white supremacists Jazzhands McFeels and Marcus Halberstram in bashing Latinos and Muslims.

In February Nehlen forked over $50 to Holocaust denier Chuck Johnson’s WeSearchr website to help crowdfund an interview with murderer George Zimmerman.

And on August 31, 2017 he made an appearance on the InfoWars show RealNews with David Knight to rant about Ryan and anti-fascist activists. Knight remarked that, in Minnesota, there are “four individuals who are running for Congress” who have “distanced themselves from Paul Ryan,” ostensibly for his public disagreements with President Trump.

Nehlen said that politicians are starting to realize that they “hitched their wagon to just a feeble horse” who’s “never going to get out in front and lead.” He complained that even Nancy Pelosi denounced left-wing antifa activists for their violent tactics before Ryan did.

Of course, this being InfoWars, he had to weave a bizarre conspiracy theory out of thin air. Paul Ryan’s silence, he claimed, was because “antifa is Paul Ryan’s foot soldiers” and the “foot soldiers for globalism.” Yes, the loose collection of socialists, Communists, anarchists, and other left-wing anti-fascists are just clamoring to do the bidding of a right-wing congressman who wants to eliminate the social safety net.

And he pushed the ludicrous idea that antifa — again, not a highly structured organization — is being funded by the Right’s favorite Jewish bogeyman. “They’re funded by George Soros,” said Nehlen. “They’re funded by George Soros.” (Spoiler: No, they’re not.)

And he attacked Ryan for supposedly aligning himself more with Barack Obama than other Republicans on issues like trade and immigration. “He will never say the words ‘amnesty,’ but if you read Paul Ryan’s book he talks about a ‘pathway to citizenship.’ Hey, guess what? We already have one of those. It’s called immigration law. And I wanna enforce it as it’s currently written.”

Knight: Let’s go back to Mr. Nehlen. You know, Mr. Nehlen, I’m looking at some of these articles here about what’s happening in Minnesota. And it’s pretty amazing that in the State Fair, we had four individuals who are running for Congress, and they distanced themselves from Paul Ryan, saying, “Well, I’m not sure that I would support him for Speaker.” Maybe people should not be supporting him even as a member of Congress when the people in his own state who are running for Congress are reluctant to support him because of his opposition to what the voters just selected.

Nehlen: I think these guys are startin’ to realize that they’ve hitched their wagon to just a feeble horse. Paul Ryan’s not a leader. Paul Ryan’s not a Clydesdale. Paul Ryan’s never going to get out in front and lead. You said it yourself. Nancy Pelosi came out ahead of Paul Ryan on this Antifa thing. And why is that? It’s because Antifa is Paul Ryan’s foot soldiers. They are. Let’s just call it what it is. They are foot soldiers for globalism. They’re funded by George Soros. They’re funded by George Soros. Paul Ryan’s pinned tweet right now is still calling out Charlottesville, calling out the Right only, not calling out the Left on their violence.

Because Paul Ryan is more — and I said it, I said it during the election, Trump’s election — Paul Ryan was more aligned with Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. You look at Barack Obama’s top three initiatives, and what was Paul Ryan aligned with? Paul Ryan was aligned with Trans Pacific Partnership — check. Paul Ryan was aligned with the criminal jail break legislation — check. Paul Ryan is aligned with amnesty — check.

Knight: Yes. Yes.

Nehlen: Paul Ryan has aligned —

Knight: [Unintelligible]

Nehlen: Yeah. He will never say the words “amnesty,” but if you read Paul Ryan’s book he talks about a “pathway to citizenship.” Hey, guess what? We already have one of those. It’s called immigration law. And I wanna enforce it as it’s currently written.