Tucker Carlson accuses America of “mounting a disinformation campaign” against Russia

Carlson: “In other words, you might mount a disinformation campaign by claiming the other guy was mounting a disinformation campaign”

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Citation From the March 9, 2022, edition of Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight

TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): Okay, just get a pen. It is a classic Russian technique to blame on the other guy what they are planning to do themselves, that is what Victoria Nuland said. We almost laughed out loud. So what you are saying, Victoria Nuland, if, for example, you were funding secret bio-labs in Ukraine but wanted to hide that fact from the people who were paying for it in whose name you are doing it, then you might lie about it by claiming the Russians were lying about it. In other words, you might mount a disinformation campaign by claiming the other guy was mounting a disinformation campaign. Is that what you are saying, Victoria Nuland? It's pretty funny. What is not funny is that this is all entirely real.