Amazon Is Selling Books By A White Supremacist Publishing Company

As the largest and wealthiest online retailer, allows customers to by any number of products — from clothes and toys to books and CDs — with the click of a button. And, while Amazon has rules which ostensibly allow it to review and remove products which promote hate speech and calls to violence, it is nevertheless selling multiple books which glorify Nazi Germany, fascism, antisemitism, and white nationalism — all from a small, Pennsylvania-based publishing company.

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Neo-Nazi Activist Wants To ‘Desensitize’ White People To Hitler And Holocaust Denial

On the Dec. 10, 2021 episode of his Modern Politics show, Neo-Nazi Warren Balogh attempted to give advice on how to win normal white people over to Neo-Nazism and Holocaust denial. Balogh — who previously expressed outrage at people who said they would have killed baby Hitler — told viewers to discuss topics that conservative white people care about to appear more credible and respectable before broaching the subject of Nazism, Adolf Hitler, and the Holocaust.

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Neo-Nazi Couple Would Like You To Stop Slandering Hitler’s Good Name

On Apr. 25, 2021, Neo-Nazi husband and wife duo Warren Balogh and Emily Youcis spent the entirety of their online show, Modern Politics, trying to convince viewers that Adolf Hitler was actually a really great guy. And it turns out they’re also very offended by people saying mean things about the Führer.

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White Supremacists Are Throwing Their Support Behind Derek Chauvin

Yesterday the closing arguments ended in the trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin, and the jury began its deliberations. And while white supremacists and law enforcement have sometimes clashed, they have been steadfast in their decision to “Back the Blue” since Chauvin was charged with George Floyd’s murder.

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White Nationalist Warren Balogh Calls ‘For The People Act’ A Jewish ‘Power Grab’

During the Mar. 13, 2021 episode of Modern Politics, white nationalist Warren Balogh spread conspiracy theories about H.R. 1, better known as the For the People Act — a landmark piece of voting rights legislation. The Act would, among other things, prohibit partisan gerrymandering and restore federal voting rights to Americans disenfranchised due to criminal convictions.

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