The Far-Right Erupts After Derek Chauvin Guilty Verdict

Last week ex-Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was found guilty of murdering George Floyd after a nearly month-long trial. Convictions of police officers over the killing of Black people are rare, and while many celebrated the verdict, far-right figures — including many white nationalists — were outraged.

Continue reading “The Far-Right Erupts After Derek Chauvin Guilty Verdict”

Jim Goad Joins White Nationalist Publishing House As A Biweekly Columnist

Far-right author Jim Goad announced earlier this month that he accepted a job as a biweekly columnist for Counter-Currents Publishing, a white nationalist imprint co-founded in 2010 by Greg Johnson. Goad made the announcement during an interview with Johnson, and revealed that he left his position with the racist publication Taki’s Magazine.

Continue reading “Jim Goad Joins White Nationalist Publishing House As A Biweekly Columnist”

Greg Johnson Blames Multiculturalism For White Supremacist Terrorism

Recently Greg Johnson, founder of the white supremacist publishing company Counter-Currents, revealed that a number of his books had been banned from Amazon, including his most recent: The White Nationalist Manifesto. Continue reading “Greg Johnson Blames Multiculturalism For White Supremacist Terrorism”

Greg Johnson: For A White Ethnostate To Exist In The U.S., Racial Minorities Must Be Disenfranchised

Greg Johnson of Counter-Currents Publishing recently appeared on the 145th episode of Jean-François Gariépy’s The Public Space in order to hawk his latest book: The White Nationalist Manifesto. Continue reading “Greg Johnson: For A White Ethnostate To Exist In The U.S., Racial Minorities Must Be Disenfranchised”

‘Daily Shoah’ Hosts: Nazi Scientists And White People Should Be Recognized For Space Exploration Work

This is another post for which I’m, regrettably, quite late to. Not just because it concerns a Daily Shoah podcast from February 7, 2017 (yes, they’re still doing those!), but because it concerns the Oscar-nominated movie Hidden Figures, about three black NASA mathematicians whose work was integral to the Mercury-Atlas 6 mission. Continue reading “‘Daily Shoah’ Hosts: Nazi Scientists And White People Should Be Recognized For Space Exploration Work”

Defining the Alt Right and the New American Fascism


By Shane Burley. Originally posted at CounterPunch.

As Hillary Clinton gripped the podium in Truckee Meadows Community College, she jumped from a jovial introduction into a line of rhetoric that was almost frantic in delivery. Until now she had walked a line on calling out Donald Trump’s racism, a choice that made sense since his racially motivated quips had actually propelled his rise. Continue reading “Defining the Alt Right and the New American Fascism”

Greg Johnson Says Donald Trump Could Lead to the ‘Salvation of the White Race’ in North America

Trump Rally

Recently, Greg Johnson, editor-in-chief at the white nationalist Counter-Currents Publishing, made an appearance on an episode of The Right Stuff’s Fash the Nation podcast. Continue reading “Greg Johnson Says Donald Trump Could Lead to the ‘Salvation of the White Race’ in North America”

Andrew ‘weev’ Auernheimer Shares His Plan to Convert Liberals Into ‘Racial Warriors’

Weev Swastika

Andrew Auernheimer, the white nationalist hacker better known as “weev,” recently sat down for an interview with Greg Johnson on Counter-Currents Radio. Continue reading “Andrew ‘weev’ Auernheimer Shares His Plan to Convert Liberals Into ‘Racial Warriors’”

Matt Forney Calls Transgender People ‘Completely Insane’ and Accuses Nickelodeon Show of Promoting ‘Cuckolding’

Credit: YouTube/ Goldmund Unleashed

In a recent appearance on an online radio program, manosphere blogger and professional troll Matt Forney lashed out at the transgender community and accused a recent Nickelodeon sitcom of promoting “cuckold fetish” themes to children. Continue reading “Matt Forney Calls Transgender People ‘Completely Insane’ and Accuses Nickelodeon Show of Promoting ‘Cuckolding’”