Hack Columnist Benny Johnson Ties Antifa To The Democratic Party Using A Fake Twitter Account

In a column posted today by the Independent Journal Review, columnist Benny Johnson made a stunning connection between antifa — anti-fascist activists who often physically confront white supremacists in the streets — and the Democratic Party. Continue reading “Hack Columnist Benny Johnson Ties Antifa To The Democratic Party Using A Fake Twitter Account”

Is This The End Of Rebel Media?

Last weekend Rebel Media reporter Faith Goldy attended the white power “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Goldy, presumably working on a story for the Canadian alt-lite news outlet, witnessed several of the skirmishes which took place that day, as well as the moment when Vanguard America supporter James Fields Jr. plowed his car into a crowd of anti-racist protesters, killing one and injuring over a dozen others.

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Richard Spencer Vows Revenge Against Charlottesville After Getting Maced At ‘Unite The Right’ Protest

At Saturday’s disastrous “Unite the Right” rally, several prominent white nationalists ended up on the receiving end of pepper spray canisters before being ordered to leave. One of them, NPI leader and rejected Animal House villain Richard Spencer, was furious, and vowed he would return to torment Charlottesville once again.

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Christopher Cantwell Tearfully Says He Fears For His Safety As A White Man

White nationalist Christopher Cantwell has gotten widespread attention after last weekend’s disastrous “Unite the Right” rally that ended with three dead and close to 20 wounded. The alt-right shock jock from Keene, NH was featured prominently in a short documentary by Vice called Charlottesville: Race and Terror where he was recorded shouting “Jews will not replace us!”

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Chaos And Carnage Erupts At ‘Unite The Right’ Rally In Charlottesville

On Saturday morning, an untold number of white nationalists, alt-right activists, Southern nationalists, Neo-Nazis, and Klansmen descended on Emancipation Park (formerly Lee Park) for what the SPLC called the “largest hate-gathering of its kind in decades.”

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Alex Jones And Aleksandr Dugin Praise Vladimir Putin For Standing Against ‘Satanic’ ‘Globalists’

On a recent episode of InfoWars’ The Alex Jones Show, Russian political theorist and Putin adviser Aleksandr Dugin made an appearance to praise the Russian leader’s efforts at fighting what he called “oligarchs” and “globalists.

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