Fr. Matthew Raphael Johnson: Gay Sex Is ‘Satanic’ Because It Treats Semen With The ‘Most Disrespect Humanly Possible’

On the September 27, 2016 broadcast of The Daily Traditionalist, usual host Matthew Heimbach was noticeably absent. Instead, Heimbach’s co-host “Sven Longshanks” took the lead, and interviewed his guest, Fr. Matthew Raphael Johnson, about the connection between gay sex and the black arts.

Fr. Johnson — supposedly a priest at the Holy Protection Orthodox Chapel in Fayetteville, PA, and member of Heimbach’s Traditionalist Worker Party — remarked that anti-Semitic author E. Michael Jones had compared homosexuality with usury in a book called Barren Metal. The gist of this comparison, as Fr. Johnson explains, is that “homosexuality on the one hand, and metal or really any matter, on the other hand…do not naturally reproduce themselves.”

“And usury is to barren metal what homosexuality is to the human being,” he explained.

“So it’s like the one thing that the homosexuals can’t have, is that they can’t actually produce children,” said Longshanks. “So that’s the one thing that they’re desperate to procure for themselves with this drive that they have now to call themselves married, and try to get hold of these children. It’s trying to create something for them that is completely unnatural, and never could actually happen naturally, so it’s the one thing they most want, that sort of thing, do you think?”

Fr. Johnson indicated that Longshanks was correct, and pointed out that it was the LGBT rights movement that made him politically active, recalling that he “couldn’t even think about it without getting completely grossed out.” After all, he said, gay sex involves the “sewer system of the human body” receiving “the life, in terms of human semen” which is the “very essence of Satanism.”

Longshanks called this the “most sort of wicked, most despicable act that they could possibly do.” Fr. Johnson responded that he “never come across a Satanist that didn’t agree that the human semen is as powerful a creation of God,” and that “to treat it with the most disrespect humanly possible” is a “total inversion” and “mockery of God’s creation.”

Magical semen aside, Longshanks brought up the old “gay agenda” trope often used by the Christian Right to demonize gays and lesbians. He asserted that they are wealthier than their straight counterparts, because apparently gays and lesbians don’t have children or families — which is flatly false. Additionally, he said, “once they get into a corporate position” they will be “lobbying to get more homosexuals into that position.”

Moreover, Longshanks claimed that there was a “large Jewish influence on this” and reminded listeners that both “Hitler and Himmler” warned that if gay people infiltrating positions of power they would act as a “fifth column” against the rest of society. “So we’ve got this big homosexual influence now that’s in the halls of power, and this goes back to Satanic rituals, basically,” Longshanks said solemnly, adding that it’s a part of “black magic.”

As for suggesting that gay relationships are equal to heterosexual ones? That would be the “ultimate in Antichrist behavior.”