White Nationalist Radio Hosts Claim The Coronavirus Has Made People ‘Receptive’ To Their Ideas

As the novel coronavirus continues to ravage the country, most people are worried about their physical safety or the financial toll the pandemic will have. Continue reading “White Nationalist Radio Hosts Claim The Coronavirus Has Made People ‘Receptive’ To Their Ideas”

Tim Murdock Interviews The Purported Creator Of The ‘It’s Okay To Be White’ Meme

During the March 23, 2019 episode of White Rabbit Radio Live, hosts Johnny Ramondetta and Tim Murdock interviewed one of the purported creators of the “It’s Okay To Be White” meme. Continue reading “Tim Murdock Interviews The Purported Creator Of The ‘It’s Okay To Be White’ Meme”

Tim Murdock: White Genocide Memes Will Move The Overton Window

In another segment from Red Ice TV‘s exceedingly long New Year special, Tim Murdock (a.k.a. Horus the Avenger) explained his use of memes to troll people and move the Overton Window. Continue reading “Tim Murdock: White Genocide Memes Will Move The Overton Window”