‘My Ancestors Fucking Enslaved Those Pieces Of Fucking Shit,’ Richard Spencer Shrieks In Leaked Audio

In another peek into how white nationalists speak behind closed doors, a newly leaked recording from the aftermath of 2017’s “Unite the Right” rally depicts alt-right figurehead Richard Spencer railing against Jews and non-whites. Continue reading “‘My Ancestors Fucking Enslaved Those Pieces Of Fucking Shit,’ Richard Spencer Shrieks In Leaked Audio”

Raheem Kassam Defends Deplatformed Antisemites And Conspiracy Theorists

Recently a handful of extremists were permanently banned from Facebook and Instagram for violating the platforms’ terms of service. This group of crackpots and bigots included unhinged Islamophobe Laura Loomer, conspiracy theorists Alex Jones and protégé Paul Joseph Watson, misogynistic fame-seeker Milo Yiannopoulos, antisemitic Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, and Neo-Nazi Paul Nehlen.

Continue reading “Raheem Kassam Defends Deplatformed Antisemites And Conspiracy Theorists”

White Nationalists Rush To Paul Nehlen’s Defense After Breitbart News Abandons Him

Amid the fallout from the revelation that Wisconsin congressional candidate Paul Nehlen harbors white nationalist sympathies, right-wing radio host Curt Schilling offered Nehlen a chance to clear the air in an interview. Continue reading “White Nationalists Rush To Paul Nehlen’s Defense After Breitbart News Abandons Him”