Neo-Nazi Activist Wants To ‘Desensitize’ White People To Hitler And Holocaust Denial

On the Dec. 10, 2021 episode of his Modern Politics show, Neo-Nazi Warren Balogh attempted to give advice on how to win normal white people over to Neo-Nazism and Holocaust denial. Balogh — who previously expressed outrage at people who said they would have killed baby Hitler — told viewers to discuss topics that conservative white people care about to appear more credible and respectable before broaching the subject of Nazism, Adolf Hitler, and the Holocaust.

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Antisemitic Congressional Candidate Tells White Supremacist Podcasters That White People ‘Should Remain A Majority’ In America

On Dec. 14, 2021, Michael Sisco — a congressional candidate running in West Virginia’s 2nd District — appeared on an explicitly white supremacist podcast. During this appearance, Sisco, who has a history of antisemitism, told the hosts that white people “should remain a majority” in the U.S. He also suggested that policies be put in place to “mitigate” what the hosts called “Jewish power in America.”

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Headlines — 12/14/21

Don Jr. and Fox News stars begged Mark Meadows to have Trump stop the Capitol insurrection, how cryptocurrency revolutionized the white supremacist movement, the Jan. 6 committee will identify Republican lawmakers linked to Jan. 6, and more.

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James Hake Agrees With Neo-Nazi Fugitive That ‘Forced Integration’ Is Wrong

Neo-Nazi dirtbag Robert “Azzmador” Ray may be on the run from law enforcement, but that hasn’t stopped him from recording the occasional podcast or calling into far-right online talk shows. During the Nov. 16, 2021 episode of The Hake Report, Ray expressed support for segregation and called the integration of neighborhoods a form of “genocide” against white people.

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Nick Fuentes: If Kyle Rittenhouse Is Found Guilty, It Means White People Are ‘Officially Second-Class Citizens’

In a Nov. 8, 2021 livestream, white nationalist Nick Fuentes weighed in on the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse — who killed two people and wounded a third during racial justice protests in Kenosha, WI last summer. Rittenhouse, who insists he acted in self-defense, has been lionized by right-wing commentators and white supremacist groups.

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