Abhijit Iyer-Mitraחשבון מאומת


HRH The ArchBitchess of Mylapore; Theologian of the Indian Right; Hammer of the Left; India First; Class Oppressor; Pronouns:🖕🏾/🤛🏾

New Delhi, India
כאן מאז אוקטובר 2013


חסמת את @Iyervval

האם אתה בטוח שאתה רוצה להציג את הציוצים האלה? הצגת הציוצים לא תגרום לשחרור של @Iyervval

  1. ציוץ נעוץ
    17 במאי 2020

    My talk at IIT Kharagpur, on why India will never be a “superpower” or indeed a major player: the systemic problems are too huge to overcome & politics fixation with micro patches means the macro is ignored followed by the Q&A here

  2. לפני דקה

    Looks like & are out on a mission to prove every piece of Russian propaganda true.

    מדיה זו עשויה להכיל חומר רגיש. מידע נוסף
  3. לפני 17 דקות

    Looks like just unleashed her personal trolls and Qaum on . This is a lady who keeps complaining about troll attacks on her, her family & her community - but she implicitly encourages her followers to do the same

    מדיה זו עשויה להכיל חומר רגיש. מידע נוסף
  4. צייץ מחדש
    לפני 30 דקות

    They've been doing that for 8 years long in Donbass, nothing new.

  5. לפני 41 דקות
  6. לפני 56 דקות

    Thanks for contextualising this - I never even juxtaposed these 2 events: how the entire press and elites ignored the Kashmir Genocide but fret about an irrelevant ugly example of D grade architecture demolished

  7. לפני שעה

    The way & gaslighted and silenced for speaking about the Kashmir Genocide is horrifying! I hope the same tragedy befalls all their families. Putrid institution.

    מדיה זו עשויה להכיל חומר רגיש. מידע נוסף
  8. לפני שעה
    מדיה זו עשויה להכיל חומר רגיש. מידע נוסף
  9. צייץ מחדש

    . as forthright as always on If you don't watch it, you will face it again. Never forget

  10. לפני שעה
  11. צייץ מחדש

    It's impossible to distinguish between a controlled demolition and what the Biden Administration's foreign policy is doing to America's standing in the world. Entangling alliances, corruption, bullying allies, courting enemies, reckless antagonism, and the like. Total shitshow.

  12. לפני שעתיים

    “This’s what the 🇷🇺world carries with it….. they arent Slavs.They’re orcs”. Notice not just the Government - all russians. Ethnic Russians here have been subjected to this & this why Putin called them Nazis. Incidentally this Nazi is a member of Jewish Zelensky’s cabinet.

  13. צייץ מחדש
    לפני 3 שעות

    It is unfortunate to see some Psydo Journalists becoming obstacles in the path of truth depiction. Many Journalists are trying to convince to give bytes against , which is reprehensible and a stumbling block for . 1/2

    הצג שרשור זה
  14. צייץ מחדש
    לפני 5 שעות

    Head of the DPR Denis Pushilin lays flowers at the site where the civilians where killed by a cold-blooded missile attack by azov nazis in the center of Donetsk City.

  15. צייץ מחדש
    לפני 6 שעות

    The only elite media network which is most uncomfortable with truth is the one which banned me around 2008/10 from appearance. Gave platform to Yasin Malik and Hurriyat. It later banned Senior Editor Vinod Mehta for exposing a scam (tapes) of an infamous editor.

  16. לפני 4 שעות
  17. צייץ מחדש
    לפני 18 שעות

    BBC reporters are in raptures over a Russian journalist protesting live on air against Putin's propaganda drive to conceal his illegal invasion of Ukraine. Remember, not one of them showed her courage and protested on air (or anywhere else) at the UK's illegal invasion of Iraq

  18. לפני 4 שעות

    No we did not. it was a legitimate 2nd front after Pakistan attacked. We didn’t claim humanitarian intervention despite millions of Bangladeshis killed & displaced. Our only humanitarian intervention was Sri Lanka & that too after we persuaded their government to invite us in

  19. לפני 5 שעות

    This is Girija Tikoo’s niece’s post. Girija was raped, tortured and slowly sawed in half by a carpenter’s saw (not mechanical). This is who Rana, Zubair, Sayema, Asim and co are calling “islamophobic”. Thanks to India’s secularism these Jihadi scum are living the good life.

    מדיה זו עשויה להכיל חומר רגיש. מידע נוסף
  20. לפני 5 שעות

    अगर विज़ूअल मीडिया उन लोगों के लिए है जो किताब नहीं पढ़ सकते हैं, तो फिर आप और आपके पतिदेव दोनो अनपढ़ों के देवता हैं नह? बिना विज़ूअल मीडीयम के आप दोनो को कौन जनता?

    הציוץ הזה לא זמין.
  21. לפני 5 שעות

    See how trans-homosexuals are persecuted in Modi’s india? A pure & pious trans-inter caste person like myself is called a liar by an upper caste Jaatess. Cc


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    ייתכן שגם ימצא חן בעיניך
