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Roosh V: Protect yourself from the sexy, satanic temptations of the gym

Still in thrall to the gym’s seductive powers

Ex-pickup artist Roosh Valizadeh used to make a living selling dubious and at times straight-up rapey pickup advice to men desperate to get laid. Now that he’s found God he seems to make his living by loudly and publicly renouncing the weirdly driven hedonism of his old lifestyle.

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6 myths about boobs that will scramble your brain because they are, like, so incredibly stupid

We’re all interested in boobs

So the other day we looked at some, well let’s charitably call them myths, about the human vagina. Today we’re going to look a matched pair of other cis female body parts that are the source of a lot of curiosity and confusion. I am referring, of course, to the boobies.

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It’s Women’s History Month, which means it’s also Men Complaining There’s No Men’s History Month Month

Today is the second day of Women’s History Month. Which means it’s time for the men of the Men’s Rights subreddit to start whining that there’s no Men’s History Month.

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The Vaginal Misinformation Squad is out in full force

This is an actual stock photo, listed under “vagina.” I didn’t add the, er, sauce.

Vaginas can be a bit confusing, for those who don’t have them and even for some who do. That doesn’t stop some of the most confused men from confidently offering up their dubious wisdom on the subject, often in online conversations with actual vagina-havers. Call it Vaginasplaining.

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Suspected serial rapist Nick Alahverdian, arrested in Scotland, now claims he’s not Nick Alahverdian at all

“Arthur Knight,” meet Nick Alahverdian

Nicholas Alahverdian — former “Judicial Accountability” point man for A Voice for Men and suspected serial rapist – is in the news again. The last time we checked in on Alahverdian he had just been arrested in Scotland, where the Rhode Islander allegedly fled after faking his own death in an attempt to escape rape charges in Utah and possibly three other states. He’s already a convicted sex offender. In Scotland, Alahverdian — also wanted on fraud charges — apparently spoke with a fake posh British accent that sometimes gave way to an American accent when he was drunk.

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MRA: Determine the sexual market value of single moms by adding their children’s weight to theirs. Hey presto, suddenly they’re all fatties

“Dating in your 40’s,” explains a Men’s Rights Redditor by the name of JasHanz,

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The 3 worst reactions to the Ukraine invasion I’ve seen so far

The first one is terrible; each of the following ones is worse than the last.

Let’s start with a woman whose head is deep in her ass, delightedly smelling the source of her own farts.

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Unwanted sex is no worse than drinking a glass of water when you’re not thirsty, and other observations from a complete piece of shit

This guy can’t understand why every girl isn’t the girl who can’t say no. It’s just sex, baby, as natural as using a sex toy, except that, well, you’re actually the sex toy here.

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Worst Uber alternative ever

cat driving a car
By contrast, this is the best Uber alternative ever

Here’s a fellow with new take on the old slogan “gas, grass or ass.”

I have 3 jobs, ask me. Griffith University A Lives in Alexandra Hills 0 38 kilometres away 
About me 
If you ever need a ride home from work, save your money send me a message I'll come and pick you up and take you home. All I ask for in return is that you suck me off and let me play with you during the trip, the goal is to make me cum before we arrive at your destination otherwise I get to fuck you to finish off

The one thing that makes this a little more bearable is the virtual certainty that he has never gotten a positive response to this Tinder profile.

H/T — r/NiceGuys; I disguised the guy’s face in the pic.

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Open Thread: Putin’s unconscionable invasion of Ukraine

Open thread. Post news, your thoughts, your worries, your hopes.

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