Greg Johnson: For A White Ethnostate To Exist In The U.S., Racial Minorities Must Be Disenfranchised

Greg Johnson of Counter-Currents Publishing recently appeared on the 145th episode of Jean-François Gariépy’s The Public Space in order to hawk his latest book: The White Nationalist Manifesto. Continue reading “Greg Johnson: For A White Ethnostate To Exist In The U.S., Racial Minorities Must Be Disenfranchised”

At The 2018 Scandza Forum, Alt-Right Leaders Struggle Over How To Market White Supremacy To The Mainstream

In early April, prominent white nationalists held their second annual Scandza Forum in Stockholm, Sweden. Continue reading “At The 2018 Scandza Forum, Alt-Right Leaders Struggle Over How To Market White Supremacy To The Mainstream”

White Nationalists Talk Of Ethnic Cleansing At 2017 Scandza Forum

In early July, several prominent white nationalists attended a gathering in the city of Oslo to give talks promoting an ethnostate for whites and savaging diversity, multiculturalism, and democracy. Continue reading “White Nationalists Talk Of Ethnic Cleansing At 2017 Scandza Forum”