Headlines — 9/13/18

Rep. Steve King once again retweets a white supremacist, President Trump falsely claims Democrats inflated Hurricane Maria’s death toll, white supremacists are supportive of Tucker Carlson’s war on diversity, and more.

The Daily Beast – GOP lawmaker is a leader in a hate group that calls immigration ‘assault on our culture.’
Right Wing Watch – Young white nationalists encourage peers to infiltrate their local GOP leadership.
HuffPost – Republican Rep. Steve King retweets a known white supremacist on Twitter…again.
Think Progress – In unhinged tweets, Trump claims Democrats rigged hurricane death toll in Puerto Rico.
Media Matters – White supremacists are thrilled with Tucker Carlson’s war on diversity.
Oregonian – Oregon white nationalist sentenced to 2 years for stabbing acquaintance.
Sacramento Bee – Bay Area transit agency says it has to accept ads from Holocaust-denying group.
BuzzFeed News – Alex Jones may have just gotten a federal investigation into his banning.
We Hunted the Mammoth – Amazon bans nine of Roosh V’s books, and Roosh is having a sad.
The Missoulian – Daily Stormer case: Neo-Nazi Andrew Anglin’s attorneys argue Trump ruling should fall in Anglin’s favor.
Sun Sentinel – Man won’t be charged for confronting white supremacist with hate sign.