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Julia Ioffe profiled Melania Trump. Then she started getting calls from Hitler.

Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images

Journalist Julia Ioffe published an exclusive article interviewing Donald Trump's wife Melania Trump in GQ on Wednesday. Then she received a phone call from Adolf Hitler.

"I'm getting phone calls from a blocked number that play Hitler's speeches when I pick up," Ioffe tweeted. Since the article appeared, she has been exposed to a slew of frightfully violent anti-Semitic attacks from Trump supporters.

Although Ioffe interviewed Melania Trump for the article, she and her husband took issue with the final piece — which explored Melania's family life in Slovenia, her career as a model, and her relationship with Trump.

"The article published in GQ today is yet another example of the dishonest media and their disingenuous reporting," Melania Trump posted on her Facebook page:

Julia Ioffe, a journalist who is looking to make a name for herself, clearly had an agenda when going after my family. There are numerous inaccuracies in this article including certain statements about my family and claims on personal matters. My parents are private citizens and should not be subject to Ms. Ioffe’s unfair scrutiny.

Furthermore, the statement surrounding the performance of my skincare collection is completely false. The company in which I was involved with did not honor the contract and did not meet their obligations and as such the courts ruled in my favor.

I am hopeful that the media will begin to cover me fairly and be respectful of my family's privacy.

Expressing discontent was enough for Trump supporters to go on the offensive. In the subsequent 24 hours, Ioffe — who is Jewish and was born in Russia — has been told she should be burned in an oven, told she should be shot in the head, received a call inquiring about overnight casket delivery, and sent Photoshopped images of her in a concentration camp uniform.

Ioffe is the latest in a string of Trump's media casualties, journalists who have been exposed to the wrath of the Republican presidential candidate's angriest supporters. And Trump, in Trump fashion, has been quiet on condemning the hatred, allowing his fans to spiral deeper into hostility.

Trump supporters responded to Ioffe's article with unbridled rage and violent threats

The response to Ioffe's article was immediate, and, like most attacks surrounding Trump, they were personal. In Ioffe's case, they were frequently anti-Semitic — which Ioffe pointed out was particularly ironic, given her family's history:

Ioffe curated some of the worst attacks — including some of the most graphic and violent ones — on her Twitter:

In an interview with the Guardian, Ioffe said she was able to develop a sense of humor about the increasingly disturbing messages she was receiving.

"It’s unsettling," she said to the Guardian on Thursday night. "I started the day off having a sense of humor about it but by the end of the day, after a few phone calls like this, with people playing Hitler speeches, and the imagery, and people telling me my face would look good on a lampshade, it’s hard to laugh."

Ioffe has not responded to Vox's interview request.

Why Ioffe's article incited so much hate from Trump supporters

The thesis of Ioffe's GQ profile of Melania is perfectly clear: Melania and Donald are a perfect match:

Melania is the ideal wife for the conservative base. She is, in fact, positively biblical—Trump’s perfect "help meet," his "suitable helper," as the Bible’s description of Eve would have it. Melania Trump is as tailored to The Donald as if a divine plastic surgeon had sculpted her out of his rib.

But that doesn't seem to be why Melania and Trump supporters were upset by it. It was the article's tone that upset Trump supporters, what they found to be Ioffe's condescending comments on the Trumps' wealth and the article's focus on Melania's personal endeavors, both in business and in family. Melania shared a Fox News column by Howard Kurtz which says Ioffe's GQ article went "too far":

It only takes until the second paragraph of GQ’s profile of Melania Trump for the condescending tone to break through.

The Donald’s wife, at their wedding, wore "a $100,000 Dior dress that laborers’ hands had toiled upon for a legendary 550 hours, affixing 1,500 crystals."

Message: She’s a wealthy trophy wife who shies away from politics and doesn’t have much to say. A good mom, but not much more. Take this blind quote from a supposed friend: "She’s smart for the things she’s interested in, like jewelry. She’s not stupid, she’s not a bimbo, but she’s not especially clever." Meow.

But more "egregious" than the article's condescension, Kurtz says, is Ioffe's choice of details — such as citing rumors that Melania had plastic surgery, or interviewing Melania's half-brother, who Melania herself says she has never met.

This is yet another example of Trump's lenience toward violence

Today there is a clearly definable trend of violence surrounding Trump's campaign and his supporters, which goes far past his fight against political correctness. To date:

The violence is a problem with Trump which begins with Trump himself, as Vox's Dara Lind explains:

Trump routinely pays lip service to the idea that he doesn't "condone" violence. "I certainly don't condone that at all," he said at the CNN debate. "I do not condone violence in any shape," he told Chuck Todd on Sunday.

That, frankly speaking, is bullshit. Even if Donald Trump does not, in his heart, want to see people getting beaten up at his rallies, the fact remains that he has consistently encouraged rallygoers to beat up protesters. Even more worrisomely, he has consistently justified his followers' desire to beat people up in terms of their "passion" for his campaign and America.

Ioffe is only the newest target in Trump's slew of personal attacks against people who have angered or disagreed with the candidate.

"What happens if Donald Trump is elected?" Ioffe told the Guardian. "We’ve seen the way he bids his supporters to attack the media."

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