Minneapolis, MN – A politically motivated mass shooting of five people during an Amir Locke march in Portland left Brandy “June” Knightly, a 60-year-old advocate for the vulnerable, dead. Two days after the act of domestic terrorism, solidarity rallies were held across the country, including…

Philadelphia, PA – It was April 24, 2021 at the Mobilization for Mumia rally in Philadelphia, PA, where people came from all over to celebrate Mumia Abu-Jamal’s 67th birthday, and to call for his freedom after 40 years of unjust incarceration. Rapper Immortal Technique had…

Minneapolis, MN – The funeral for 22-year-old Amir Locke was held two weeks after he was killed by Minneapolis Police Officer Mark Hanneman during the execution of a no-knock warrant. Elected officials and a high-profile reverend joined hundreds at Shiloh Temple International Ministries in North…

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